(1910) Page(s) 46. Single-flowered Chinese Peonies Abidan. Purple.
(1910) Page(s) 46. Single-fkowered Chinese Peonies Abora. Rosy lilac.
(1910) Page(s) 46. Single-flowered Chinese Peonies Abyla. Carmine.
(1907) Page(s) 84. In "Tea Roses:" Aline Sisley. Reddish purple, toned with crimson and maroon; flowers large and double, or exquisite form and fragrance. Highly recommended.
(1907) Page(s) 81. In "Bourbon Roses:" Very floriferous compact shrubs with bright glossy foliage. The flowers are most profuse in late summer and autumn and are noted for their exquisite form and color. The require close pruning in Early spring. Appolline Rosy pink; flowers large and cupped.
(1907) Page(s) 81. In "Bourbon Roses:" Very floriferous compact shrubs with bright glossy foliage. The flowers are most profuse in late summer and autumn and are noted for their exquisite form and color. The require close pruning in Early spring. Champion of the World Deep rosy pink, large and double, very fragrant. A vigorous free-flowering variety, valuable for bedding.
(1907) Page(s) 84. In "Tea Roses:" Cornelia Cook. Creamy white, faintly tinged with lemon-yellow: flowers very double, produced in great profusion, of exquisite form and substance. Splendid for bedding.
(1907) Page(s) 81. In "Lord Penzance Sweet Briers:" Flora McIvor Pure white, flushed with rose.
(1910) Page(s) 46. Single-flowered Chinese Peonies Gabreta. Dark crimson.
(1907) Page(s) 81. In "Bourbon Roses:" Very floriferous compact shrubs with bright glossy foliage. The flowers are most profuse in late summer and autumn and are noted for their exquisite form and color. The require close pruning in Early spring. Hermosa Bright rose, very double and fragrant; a constant bloomer.