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'Anne Aymone' rose Member Journal Entires
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1 FEB 13
*** Growing near Houston, TX: sub tropical zone 9a. Mild winters, hot, extremely humid summers that last half the year. No spray garden. ***

Overall notes: Small plant 3x3 or less, not bushy- would work best in mixed planting. Fairly large flowers for a single, 3in, no fragrance that I've noticed. Blooms do not last long, but after becoming established they come often. No disease or other issues that I've noticed. Heat tolerant.

Purchased from Heirloom Mar 2013.

Aug 2013- Meh. Pretty flowers when they show up. Plant not vigorous so far. No disease problems.

Jan 2014- still very small (twig in gallon pot).

5/24/2014 - Planted in new garden.

8/2014- not vigorous. Pales in comparison to Cole's Settlement.

10/7/2014- Has started putting on some growth. Blackspot is getting around the garden, but this one is still clean (knock on wood).

2/7/2016- Still small, but charming.

3/5/2017- I like this one despite its small size (about 1.5ft h x 1ft w).

5/23/2019- blooms frequently. Plant is about 3h x 2w, but not bushy at all. Maybe it could use more water.

5/22/2021- Has stayed small over the years, but does bloom a lot. Flowers are about 3 inches wide. Has proven to be a survivor in my hot garden and I've really come to enjoy it.

1/14/2024- No change in size. Survived record breaking heat and drought here in Houston.
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