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'Golden Peace' rose References
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 198.  
Golden Peace HT. Good reliable rebloom.  Outstanding fragrance.  Habit  5 [e.g. Lady Ursula]   Le Grice 1961.  Canary yellow blooms of excellent fragrance fade to cream, opening wide and frilly. Hardly golden, but a delightful rose. [Provenance Hortico] 
Book  (1972)  Page(s) 110.  
E. B. Le Grice.  The Development of Modern Yellow Roses.
....And then came 'Peace' 1945.  I don't know that its colour can be called golden, but here is a rose which makes nonsense of general rules, for as 'Soleil d'Or' bought in a new colour, so 'Peace' gave a new constitution to the rose bush, a new conception of what a rose should be.  Other Meilland yellows, 'Monte Carlo' 1949,  'Belle Blonde' 1955,  'Marcelle Gret' 1947, 'Mme Yves Latieule' 1949, 'Cannes Festival' 1951, played their part in their year, but only 'Peace' could stay the course and still stay ahead all these years. 
Book  (1969)  Page(s) 145.  
Golden Peace HT (Le Grice, '61) large, dbl. (45 petals), exhibition type, fragrant, canary-yellow.  Fol. dark, dull. Very vig., tall; very free bloom.
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