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'Ràdio' rose Description
'Radio' rose photo
Photo courtesy of asakombu
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
9 favorite votes.  
Yellow blend Hybrid Tea.
Registration name: Ràdio
Discovered by Pedro (Pere) Dot (Spain, before 1936).
Introduced in United States by Conard-Pyle (Star Roses) in 1937 as 'Ràdio'.
Introduced in Australia by Hazlewood Bros. Pty. Ltd. in 1939 as 'Ràdio'.
Hybrid Tea.  
Yellow, carmine-red streaks, stripes, flecks, pink shading, orange stamens.  Moderate, spice fragrance.  40 to 50 petals.  Average diameter 4.25".  Large, very full (41+ petals), cupped, open, semi-globular bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  Large, pointed, ovoid buds.  
Armed with thorns / prickles, upright, well-branched.  Glossy, dark green, dense, leathery, wrinkled (rugose) foliage.  

Height: up to 4' (up to 120cm).  
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default).  Can be used for beds and borders, cut flower or garden.  Vigorous.  flowers drop off cleanly.  produces decorative hips.  
United States - Patent No: PP 197  on  29 Sep 1936   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application No: 69,186  on  16 Mar 1936
The new and distinct variety of Hybrid Tea as shown and described, characterized by the ever-changing variegated coloring of its fragrant flowers through all stages of their developemnt producing a new color effect in hybrid pernetiana roses.