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Dot, Pedro (Pere)
'Dot, Pedro (Pere)'  photo
Photo courtesy of jedmar
Rose Breeder and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Wed Mar 2025
Simon Dot Canalis
Pedro Dot (March 28, 1885 - November 12, 1976), his son
Code = DOT---
DOT, Marino, son of Pedro Dot
DOT, Pedro
DOT, Simon, son of Pedro Dot
[From the A Rose Odyssey, by Nicolas, 1937, pp. 63-64:] 1925...Dot was at that time about thirty-three or thirty-five, married, and had two sons. He had been formerly associated with his father, a fruit and general nurseryman, but had just separated and started his own establishment because his father did not take kindly to his son's "wasting his time" experimenting with roses!...The fact remains that Dot is a master in selecting his progenitors for obtaining color effects. ...His early work was with Frau Karl Druschki, from which he built a strain, and most of his present productions are close descendants of Druschki. Dot does not remain in the rut of Pernetiana; much of his work is experimental with unexplored species. On my last trip, 1936, I could see that he was making great progress and that good garden roses of Moyesi blood were not far away. Among other species on his program are R. longicuspis, R. bracteata, R. glomerata, etc....

[From Les Amis des Roses, 1. trimester 1971, pp. 15-17,25:] C'est vers la fin du XIXe siècle que naquit José Dot Martinez à San-Justo de Desvern (Barcelone), de souche basque et asturienne par sa mère et catalane par son père. Celui-ci était alors jardinier en chef dans une grande propriété voisine de San-Feliu de Llobregat. Pedro Dot voit s'écouler toute son enfance parmi les fleurs de la grande roseraie. Très tôt, son père l'initie à tous les secrets de la floriculture. Les dispositions, l'attention et l'amour qu'il prête au métier le décident à envoyer son fils à « el Establecimiento de Succesores de Joaquin Aldrufeu » à Barcelone, « afin qu'il y devienne un grand jardinier ». Il était alors âgé de 16 ans.....

1973 The Rose Annual, UK
p80. Nigel Raban. The Men Behind the New Roses. Pedro Dot.....

[From Modern Roses 10, 1993, p. 730:] Rosas Dot, San Feliu de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.
[From The Ultimate Rose Book, 1993, p. 436: Spain's Pedro Dot was one of the pioneers

[From Roses: Species and Varieties; Description and Photographs, by Van Dijk and Kurpershoek, 1996, p. 15:] Pedro Dot was the most famous Spanish rose breeder... He is now dead, but his work is still being carried on by his son and grandsons.

[From Pedro Dot & the Spanish Tradition which is an excellent article about Dot illustrated by photographs, by Bunny Skran, 1999, pp. 30-33:] Pedro Dot was born March 28, 1885... on the estate of the Marquesse of Monistrol and Countess of Sastago... Pedro's son, Simon Dot, said his grandfather Simon Dot Canalis I, was the administrator of the estate of the Marquesse of Monistrol... Later, his father established his own business and Dot was placed in charge of the rose department. He eventually took charge of the establishment, but in his own interest, left to start a nursery where he could work exclusively with roses...

As early as 1924, Dot entered his new creations in foreign competitions, winning the highly respected Bagatelle trials in Paris with the variety 'Margarita Riera'... He particularly liked to use choice varieties [in his breeding program] such as 'Frau Karl Druschki', 'Souv. de Claudius Pernet'... and 'Mme. Edouard Herriot'... these varieties continued to bring him success... One of his first hybrid teas was named 'Condesa de Sastago' for his benefactress. This variety was very popular in the United States...

Undoubtedly, Dot's most successful rose, and one with which his name will always be associated, is 'Nevada', released in 1927... [Dot is wellknown for hybridizing miniatures] His genetic theory was to cross hybrid teas and miniatures, thus better improving the form than the hybridizers who used the more informal polyanthas... Success followed his efforts as he became known internationally by winning high awards in the United States and Europe...

Although Dot later moved to Vilafranca del Penedés near Barcelona, he still had a nursery in Sant Feliu de Llobregat... On November 12, 1976, Pedro Dot died peacefully in his sleep of a heart attack.

[From Botanica's Roses,1998, p. 351:] The Spanish breeder, Pedro Dot, produced a large number of brightly colored roses that were all superb in hot climates. They mostly have 'Pernetiana' blood and are not hardy in areas that suffer from frost...

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