'Eddie's Juwel' rose References
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 217. Includes photo(s). Eddie's Jewel Modern Shrub. Eddie (Canada) 1962. Description... red flowers and red thorns...
Book (1997) Page(s) 217 & 218. Includes photo(s). Eddie's Jewel Hybrid Moyseii. Eddie 1962. Description... double bright brick-red flowers...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 157. Includes photo(s). Eddie's Jewel Modern Shrub. Description. Eddie (Canada) 1962... effectively a semi-double version of R. moyesii, but without the splendid hips... burgundy-red. Parentage: 'Donald Prior' x R. moyesii hybrid
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 150. Eddie's Jewel. Hybrid moyesii (Shrub), medium red, 1962, 'Donald Prior' x R. moyesii hybrid; Eddie. Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 75. Includes photo(s). [Listed under "Wild Roses and Their Cultivars"] Eddie (Canada) 1962. ('Donald Prior' x Rosa moyesii.) Repeats. Height: 8 ft. Some scent.
Article (website) (1982) Page(s) 15. Eddie’s Jewel (Modern Shrub). A moyesii hybrid with very large, semi-double flowers of deep red. Very vigorous and healthy. 1962 W. • (S) 8 x 6’.