'Eddie's Juwel' rose Reviews & Comments
Does anyone know anything about J. H. Eddie who breed this rose and a few others??
#1 of 3 posted
22 DEC 09 by
Don H
H. M. Eddie Canadian Rose Hybridizer
"Henry M. Eddie was born in Scotland and trained as a gardener and worked at a number of large estates in Scotland. In 1910 Mr. Eddie, his wife Elizabeth and two sons emigrated to Canada and settled in British Columbia. There they took up fruit farming in the Maple Ridge–Haney area. After this venture failed the family relocated to Chilliwack where he first worked as a manager and then as Vice President of B.C. Nurseries in Sardis."
For the rest of this interesting biography see
Do you mind if we add this to the notes section for this breeder ? And thanks for your participation !
If only more people would chime in like this.
#3 of 3 posted
22 DEC 09 by
Don H
Feel free. The url that I posted seems to have gone missing, though.
The original biography of Eddie appeared in the Calgary Rose Society news letter Rose Round-up Issue 4 2006 July-August, and was reprinted in the Canadian Rose Society newsletter of October 2006. You might inquire with the Calgary group about reprinting the biography here.
Note that the biography goes on to say that in 1927 Henry Eddie opened his own nursery in Sardis along with his three sons; and that Eddie's Jewel, a cross between Donald Prior and a moyesii hybrid, was bred by his son JH Eddie.