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Discussion id : 92-466
most recent 1 MAY 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 APR 16 by perpetua
Hello!I have a question about fertilizing.I use a liquid fertilizer 8-16-42(10g for 10L water) and another one 4-6-8(2caps for 10L) for my very young roses.My question is this-how much to feed one rose?I give 2L/rose bush and 5L/climber of the first and 1L for the very young roses.Is it too much,is it just about enough or is it too little?The amount of liquid indicated for one plant isn't specified anywhere..thank you!
Reply #1 of 5 posted 1 MAY 16 by Give me caffeine
It's pretty much impossible to overfeed roses. They have huge appetites. As long as you're following the recommended mixing rate and not actually drowning the roses, it's unlikely to hurt them. I'd also follow the recommended frequency of feeding.

Amount of water needed will depend on conditions and on the size of the bush. Ditto for amount of food. In hot (Australian) weather I might throw 20 litres of water at a medium size bush in one watering, but they'd only be watered every few days at most. This is assuming they are in the ground, not potted, and are established.

In winter I might not water them at all for a week or two, depending on conditions. Easy way of telling is to stick your finger into the topsoil just beneath your mulch. If the top couple of inches of soil is feeling dryish, water them well. If it's moist, don't bother.

It's a good idea to not just rely on packaged fertilisers and to also give roses a nourishing mulch. Manure is great. Lucerne is great. Lay it on thick if the weather is hot. Roses like cool roots.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 1 MAY 16 by perpetua
thank you for your quick reply!yes,I pretty much know how to water them in between fertilizing,it was the amount of water with fertilizer dissolved in it that was worrying me.good to know they are impossible to overfeed.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 1 MAY 16 by styrax
However, this is not always true for species roses! Rugosas especially seem to resent fertilizer, and prefer manure.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 1 MAY 16 by perpetua
Hello and thank you for your warning,but I don't have any rugosas,as I don't like them that much.I have quite a few climbers and hybrid teas,noisettes,bourbons,hybrid moschatas,floribundas and most of them are young,from 2 months old to 3 year old.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 1 MAY 16 by styrax
I adore rugosas! The thorns do get tiresome though.
Bourbons are especially heavy feeder iirc. Good luck!
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