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Discussion id : 25-294
most recent 9 APR 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 APR 08 by Jane Zammit
Hi good people, hope you can help me my nursery listing for 'roses etcetera':

if 'etcetera' is spelt as one word, those who enter 'et cetera' can't find it, no matter which button they push, i.e. contains, sounds like et al AND vica versa

could I have 2 listings one spelt 'roses et cetera', and another spelt 'roses etcetera' - or is that in the too hard basket?

I've just been testing it trying to sort it out and run into a brick wall - my nursery blog site uses
et cetera, but most people don't notice the subtelty of the space (technically it is 2 words but most write it as one word if they are writing it out in full

many thanks

Reply #1 of 1 posted 9 APR 08 by HMF Admin
Two separate listings would be a problem for us but we'll look into an alternate solution.
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