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Discussion id : 133-834
most recent 22 JUL 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 JUL 22 by Lens Roses ®
Rose Listing Omission

Prince Charles de Luxembourg and Marc's Jubilee

Dear Mr, Mrs,
Yesterday I send some information about a recent creation, Prince Charles de Luxembourg' of Lens Roses that is not noted in Help me Find.
Prince Charles de Luxembourg is now mentioned as a synonym for our rose 'Marc's Jubilee' but that's not correct.
Can you verify please? I think it's me who made the mistake, I'm sorry.
Marc's Jubilee= floribunda,orange Vel17fgafe. That's not correct in HMF. Prince Charles de Luxembourg is Vel17mpada, a pink hybrid musk, shrub.
I will try to put other varieties that are in our catalogue on your website in the in the missing plants section and join the photos after the rose is on HMF.
Thank you in advance,
Ann Velle
Reply #1 of 1 posted 22 JUL 22 by jedmar
Yes, we explained yesterday that the varietal denomination vel17mpada was already used for 'Marc's Jubilee' on your website, as well as on the websites of various other nurseries. We had based vel17mpada = Marc's Jubilee in information from your website in 2019. We will change this now to vel17gafe as per your post, but you need to do the same, as well as inform your distributors.
In the Palmares of Nyon 2022, the varietal code was given as MPADA VEL19. We understand that 19 is incorrect.
We have added 'Prince Charles de Luxembourg' and look forward to photos.
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