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Discussion id : 13-060
most recent 7 JUL 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 JUL 06 by Sandymento
These pop as white buds with pink edges and hold that thru out their bloom,  no fragrance but excellant blooms...any ideas?
Reply #1 of 9 posted 6 JUL 06 by Jody
Hi, a guess would be Double Delight but it is supposed to have a spicey fragrance. I don't have it so I don't know. Good Luck!!
Reply #2 of 9 posted 6 JUL 06 by Sandymento
Wow...after I got the name from your reply I went and looked at the wide range of photos that are listed for this one...and comparing it to mine it is VERY close.   I'm going to continue to watch the buds and blooms and do more comparison, but thanks for a very good guess!  I'm also going to double check for fragrance! :)
Reply #3 of 9 posted 6 JUL 06 by Jody
Hi it could be it just isn't fragrant to you? There was discussion the other day about Iceberg. some books say it's lightly scented, other books say no scent at all. a book I have says about double delight " the striking flowers are double , very large and high-centered ( sometimes double centered) with cream white petals edged with strawberry when first opening" interestingly it also says, if grown in a greenhouse with no ultraviolent light they remain white. Good luck with the ID on this beautiful rose.
Reply #4 of 9 posted 6 JUL 06 by Sandymento
Thank Jody...I guess my goal is to just try to get a good guess on the ID...and then by counting petals, etc. try to secure a solid guess.    However, we are learning alot just by trying to create a list of all our roses!  We also know that there are several Rose Gardens around the capital here in Sacramento and we plan a few walks to compare our flowers to theirs!  Thanks for helping me narrow it down! :)
Reply #5 of 9 posted 6 JUL 06 by Wendy C

There are a couple of different roses which are pink/red on the edge and white in the center. There are couple of ways to determine Double Delight from the others.

1.If all of your blooms are different. DD is phototropic (the sun changes the white to red) so it rarely has two blooms the same.

2.Bring a bloom into the house. If it's DD, the red will fade over the course of a few days in the absense of UV light.

Your photo looks like Double Delight to me. An absolutely delightful garden rose to have. I wouldn't be without it.

Best of Luck

Reply #6 of 9 posted 6 JUL 06 by Sandymento
OK...I've cut some blooms and brought them inside but also took more can tell that they started with more white in the middle when closed...but eventually with the sun from the past few days they have popped or aged into a this what is called "blushing" or "blooms in flushes" ...and is it what you referred to as phototropic?
Reply #7 of 9 posted 7 JUL 06 by Jody
HI this sure is a beautiful rose. I think blooms in flushes mean the frequency of blooming. That it periodically has a flush of blooms, then a period of no blooming (versus pereptual or continual blooming) but Wendy is the one to ask. Check out her page under Ezine on this site,  Roses 101. she is a good writer and really helpful to the novice.
Reply #8 of 9 posted 7 JUL 06 by Sandymento
I've learned so much off these pages...thanks!!  :)
Reply #9 of 9 posted 7 JUL 06 by Wendy C

You're Welcome. It is always a pleasure to help.  Jody has the right of it concerning flushes. 

There are many members of HMF whose  knowledge far exceeds mine. Roses will offer a lifetime of learning if the student is willing. smile  I've been very fortunate to have generous rosarians to help me along.

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