HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 22 APR 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 MAY 05 by Gabriela
Fort Myers, Florida, zone 10a: i have this rose for more then 1 year... i never seen any black spots on him! it is an amasing rose... blooming all the time, very easy going and very resistant!
Reply #1 of 3 posted 12 MAY 05 by RoseBlush
Thank you for supplying this information. I have put a note at the bottom of the rose page for 'Demitasse' that it can be resistant to blackspot and referred other users to your comment.


Reply #2 of 3 posted 20 APR 10 by Florie
I have been growing this rose in Tampa, Florida for eight years, both in a pot and in the ground, and it never has black spot, is always leafed out, and the scent of the many flowers carries far. It is a nice 3'x3' shape with little prunining or shaping, just dead-heading and removing thin and dead canes occasionally. An excellent rose for a low maintenance Southern garden.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 22 APR 10 by HMF Admin
Thanks for taking the time to share your experience.
most recent 6 APR 08 SHOW ALL
Initial post 23 AUG 04 by Anonymous-35855
I purchased an in-pot plant of Memorial Day this May '04. We have had deluges of rain this July.
My Memoral Day has put on 5 or 6 stout limbs and is now carrying 14 enormous blooms. It looks almot like
a hydrangea from a distance the flowers are so big. It puts on quite a show in the garden. It has lovely foliage. It has had very little disease so far. I am quite delighted with it.
My garden is in N.C., zone 7. -- sls
Reply #1 of 3 posted 24 AUG 04 by HMF Admin
Please consider listing your garden on HMF and sharing your experiences with all of us.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 3 JAN 05 by Gabriela
it seems to be very good for Florida too.. very easy going. Some black spots but not too much. Great rose!
Reply #3 of 3 posted 6 APR 08 by BarbaraG SE Virginia
This rose isn't succeeding in our no-spray garden here in coastal SE VA maybe 20 mins north of NC.. The beautiful and wonderfully fragrant blooms are never without brown edges-- the only rose so afflicted. Honey Perfume, Peace, and Quietness are all nearby. Hope as this plant establishes that I'll be able to cut it for the house.
most recent 15 APR 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 18 JUN 04 by hakan
Hi Rose Lowers,
I have planted "Abraham Darby" for the first time. Actually that was the first time I planted a rose. My question is the canes are so weak that do not bear the roses. What is the best way to solve this problem.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 8 JUL 04 by Gabriela P
Hi Hakan, Yes, you are right this rose needs support, at least in the begining. i simply used a stick and tide some branches..... My rose is younger then 1 year so i don't know what's going to happen later on.. :) hopefully is going to be a great bush how doesn't need much support. :)
Reply #2 of 3 posted 11 MAY 05 by Gabriela
almost 1 year later... Fort Myers, Florida, zone 10 a .... they say Austin roses and not good for Florida because they get black spots very easy. It is true, but they forget to mention how fast this roses are growing and how easy they come back. They love to grow and grow ... and bloom. With minumum care they are doing great, even in Florida. I have few english roses and they are all doing great. I'm very happy with them, Abraham D is one of the best.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 15 APR 06 by david*dahlia
I'm in Plant City, Florida 9 a/b and I second the will to live of this particular Austin rose (not enough experience with other Austins, yet).   My experience is to not let this rose be exposed to our hot afternoon sun... scorchies!  And in the height of summer, sometimes the buds will get roasted before they get a chance to open.
The worst thing about the rose is that the bugs love it as much as we do.  If you aren't willing to spray, it will get quite disgusting: about every bug that rose books say can be a problem will be a problem.  I had never seen japanese beetles or cane borers (disgusting!) until I had A.D. for about a year.  But Abe is undaunted and  looks as healthy as my Old Blush despite the attacks!
most recent 10 MAR 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 JAN 04 by Unregistered Guest
Where can I purchase Nelsons' Roses in Naples, Florida?
Reply #1 of 4 posted 8 APR 04 by Unregistered Guest
Where can I find Jackson and Perkins rose "Angel Face". I live in Holiday, FL
Reply #3 of 4 posted 9 MAR 06 by Anonymous-3906
You can order it on line through MerryGro farms. They are listed in this web site.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 11 FEB 05 by Gabriela
Bill, I live in Fort Myers, quite close to Naples. The best nursery to buy roses is Scrivners. They have many Nelson roses and they are great people. I go there almost every week.
Address: Scrivner's Nursery:1211 Seaboard Street, Fort Myers, FL 33916
phone: (239) 334-7006.
Hope this helps. They can give you all kind of advices regarding roses in Florida, what to buy and what not... etc. Have a great day! Gabriela
Reply #4 of 4 posted 10 MAR 06 by HMF Admin
Please suggest to Scrivner's Nursery they add themselves to HelpMeFind. Basic listing's are free and sponsorship offers so more more for very little.
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