Fascinating Warren! You choose many outstanding roses for your crosses and the result is unbelievable.
But I have a critical question concerning f1 f2 etc. As I understand it every new cross creates a f1. F2 would be the growth of self pollinated f1 with a stable growth pattern. There seem to be virtually no f2 in hybrids while it would be very interesting to search for it I believe.
All the other photos of Autum fire Show a double bloom form, the Color is also more bright here and there are white stripes from the base. This rose seems very similar to " Eddies jewel"
The photos and discussions for this rose are exemplary for me as how it should be done for every rose. Ideally there should be photos of every part of the plant, the whole bush, of diseased parts and above all of hips and seeds and if ever possible of seedlings. For too many roses on help me find there are only photos from the flowers (one I have seen is even with a self portrait of the owner!) and although I haven´t contributed a single yet, I would like to ask for a kind of standard procedure helping members how to give a standard impression of the plant for a newkomer say an alien from betageuze.
Yes. I call the multitude of bloom photos "full frontals" as they remind me of the newspaper social pages of young things at the ball showing cleavages and teeth and all looking just the same. One needs some prickles for personality! Here are my thoughts for the man from Mars. 10 photos per rose: BUSH - in full bloom. BUSH - leafless in winter before pruning. CANE - Below, at a horizontal angle to show curvature of prickles CANE - Upper " " LEAF - a typical leaf on your hand (you always have it with you). BUD - side-on, perhaps just showing colour, a close-up photo which will show absence or presence of glands on pedicel. BLOOM - full frontal. BLOOM - side-on BLOOM - inflorescence, showing typical cluster, spray or single bloom. HIPS - side-on showing eventual mature colour.
Thanks for the immediate answer Patricia, I am happy that you had the answer already long before I asked. Will you make this public anywhere as a kind of guide or recommendation? By the way this could be also categorized in the photo sections like: whole bush, open flowers, buds, hips etc. allthough it might seem complicated for those uploading them (eventually a task for administrators?).
I would like to thank you personally but I feel I should express my gratitude also for men on the mars and from betageuze, I am sure they could enjoy "help me find" even more now.
It is a pleasure Hobbygartner. When you do upload a photo or two you will find you are asked to choose from the categories you mentioned. My reply was just cobbled together after reading your question and by putting it on HelpMeFind I have made it public (although how anyone will find it under R. Virginiana will be a problem). To a rosarian it is all just common sense really and there is no copyright on common sense
Merci pour ce message Cordialement Maurice