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Millington, Warren
'Millington, Warren'  photo
Photo courtesy of Warren Millington
Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Sun Sep 2024
New South Wales
61 0429429711  [Information]
See also the garden 'Roseraie Warren Millington' in Belgium.

When I started breeding roses, I realised breeders in this country had become a bit linear in their thoughts. My aim is to introduce old world roses crossed back into moderns. During the years of breeding, people have been more concerned about bloom size and appearance and by doing that , have failed to realise what roses were really grown for, their perfume. I feel a rose should look good at bud and fully blown stage , and most important , have perfume.

Over the last couple of years I have introduced asian species roses into my breeding programme as a means of obtaining hybrid vigour, but most important, resistance to fungal diseases prevelant in european cultivars over hundreds of years

2015 Australian Rose Annual
p128. Doug Hayne: Warren Millington....

2016 Heritage Roses New Zealand Vol 38 no. 1
p18. Warren Millington. Using Asiatic Species Roses to Create New Hybrids

The Breeder announced on March 4, 2023 that he will not be breeding any more roses.
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