HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 22 JAN 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 JAN 12 by amaryllidaceous
Hi Melva--

I'm interested in cuttings of White Pearl in a Red Dragon's Mouth, which I gather you own. Would you be interested in arranging a swap? Are there any roses in my garden that you'd like?

Ideally, I'd like to trade 10 cuttings per cultivar.


most recent 2 MAY 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 MAY 11 by anonymous-662223
Dear Ms. Wheeler,

I just read your article in Dave's Garden on roses. I have recently moved back to EastTexas from Florida. One of my joys here each Spring is the Tyler Rose Garden. I look forward to taking my camera and touring the gardens in mid April when the roses are at their peak bloom and taking as many photos as possible, editing them at home, and often having them blown up and framed in my home.
I have no two legged children but a slew of four legged ones who like to dig holes in my backyard that I assume is their effort to provide planting sites for me.

I would like to send you some of my photos if you would not mind. Roses are one of my favorite plants as well although my tastes are not as sophisticated as yours. Because of a lack of sunny spaces I have to manage raising roses in pots and mainly do varieties of Knock Outs and several Don Juans planted around my deck. The latter provide wonderful waves of fragrance when I sit on my terrace.

If you have not visited the Tyler Rose Gardens I would encourage you to do so. You might also want to visit Chambless Nursery if you meander down this way. Chambless has a wonderful selection of /rioses ad very kind and helpfu staff.

Eddie Baggett
most recent 23 JAN 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 JAN 09 by pecanmom66

Do you still have Apple Blossom?? Are they cuttings or rooted cuttings??

Please email me.

Thank you,

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