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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 13 JUN 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 30 JAN 13 by buckeyesouth
I find that this rose balls and browns badly--most of the time. Perhaps in California it doesn't do that, but it does in the Ohio valley.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 JUN 22 by Michael Garhart
I had the same problems here. I found Aunt Honey to be superior in the HT x Shrub type category.
most recent 30 DEC 19 SHOW ALL
Initial post 12 MAY 06 by Unregistered Guest

Hi, How does your Colette grow? Vigorous? Lots of flowers? How often is the repeat? Is it Leggy? Would it bloom in lots of humidity in july and august? thanks so have a fabulous rose list! terry
Reply #1 of 11 posted 15 MAY 06 by Kim Rupert

I've only been exposed to three plants of this rose, and all three were in one garden along the coast here in Southern California, where there is little difference between summer and winter temperatures (compared to those inland) and there is fairly constant humidity. Based upon how those three plants performed, I never wanted to grow it anywhere else. The petals were too soft to deal with the humidity, losing color and balling terribly in one day. There wasn't much fragrance (likely due to the conditions being too damp and cool), but what there was, deteriorated into a foul smelling glob of sogginess. The year they were in the garden, there was constant mildew with bursts of black spot and rust. Yes, I know climbers require up to three years to come into their own and develop into decent plants. All three of these were planted as fifteen gallon plants, with between seven and eight feet of growth on them, so they were fairly mature specimen. PERHAPS, they may have improved with time, but neither the home owner nor I was willing to put up with how disappointing this rose was in that location.

It's not the same color, but acceptable for this installation, and it's not as double, therefore not the same look as his wife originally wanted, but the three Collette were replaced with three Spice so Nice, which have been phenomenal! They're constantly in bloom; have good fragrance and are bullet proof in this location, with absolutely no disease, even though no cultural practices used on the Collettes were changed for Spice so Nice. The difference between the two roses performances are due entirely to the superior characteristics and suitability of Spice so Nice for these conditions.

Reply #5 of 11 posted 3 JAN 13 by rose dabbler
Hi Kim,

What a coincidence...I was abbout to buy Colette to plant near my own Spice so Nice! As you know, the Spice So Nice has a much bolder coloration, and it IS healthy and beautiful and now around 18 feet tall (therefore I cannot bear ro get rid of it) but the orange tones in newly opened spice are stronger than I thought they would be when I planted it. (I love the softer two-day-old blooms.) I have an 1890's cottage, and love the old rose look...but with just a BIT more punch. I also have The Impressionist nearby. I thought the warm peachy pink of Colette between the two orange/gold/apricot climbers might bring some old-fashioned pink softness without clashing or contrasting too much. Can you think of another large bush/short climber similar in color and form to Colette that i might use that would do well in high humidity? I live in Western Maryland and the rose would be in a full-sun, south-facing, protected spot. I would be happy to e-mail you a photo (tried to upload photos to helpmefind but for some reason had trouble doing so.) THANK YOU!
Reply #6 of 11 posted 3 JAN 13 by Kim Rupert
Hi Cynthia, Colette may or may not do well where you are. I don't know how much of the issues here along the coast were humidity related and how much was the lack of heat. In Malibu where they grew, "hot" was high seventies, low eighties. What's "hot" where you are? Black spot resistance is something I can't comment on because they've identified FIVE strains of black spot across the US. The "brand" I have is likely not the same one you have so what remains clean here may collapse under that pressure for you.

You might look at something like Westerland or Autumn Sunset. Not as double, but durable in most places and in similar coloring with great scent. They can be grown as shrubs or, left lightly to unpruned, develop into shorter climbers. Garden Sun might also be something which might be suitable. Conard Pyle, its introducer, states it has good disease resistance and cold hardiness.

I am leaning more toward the recent introductions rather than OGRs because they are easily available budded, so you'll have a leg up on growth and they may be more disease resistant and cold hardy in your climate. I hope it helps! Good luck.
Reply #10 of 11 posted 28 DEC 19 by Kim Rupert
Hi Rosedabbler. A recent response to this comment just brought me back to read it. What did you select to go with your Spice So Nice? I hope all is good with you and yours. Happy New Year!
Reply #7 of 11 posted 31 MAR 16 by LaurelZ
When you replace any rose it get less fungal the first year. The real test would be how does Spice So Nice preform long term? Spice So Nice is a completely different color and not as pretty as Colette. And my Colette does great in San Francisco. In fact, it has much less fungal then any other of my roses in San Francisco. I do spray, but still Colette was the best performer. All of them were sprayed, but only Colette looks completely clean in the leaves with no signs of rust, black spot or powdery mildew.
Reply #2 of 11 posted 28 MAR 07 by eve
I've got two Colette and the places they are planted at are very different in soil quality. The better the better! The one's planted in a deeper soil is much more vigorous than the other.Still; even the one planted in the poor soil is a beautiful bush of 5 feet heights. Its secon flush is less generous than the firts, yet... Its a robust beautiful rose with very charming, delicate colour. I am glad t ohave her in my garden, even though I prefer old roses, she has practically all those qualities..Grettings, Eve
Reply #3 of 11 posted 5 MAR 08 by Unregistered Guest
mine is about 4yrs and it rarely bloom. I planted on the other side of the rose arbor, it recieved plenty of water and sunshine, but I thinks I only see it bloom once. I wonder what I have done wrong?
Reply #4 of 11 posted 5 MAR 08 by Henrique R. Vivián
I'm glad you are going well.
Reply #8 of 11 posted 2 JUN 17 by buckeyesouth
Very disappointed in this rose. It wilts quickly in the heat and also dislikes humidity. A so-so in terms of vigor. It has managed to survive and bloom regularly, but requires perfect weather to make a display.
Reply #9 of 11 posted 28 DEC 19 by JuniperAnn
I’m not loving her either. She’s the first of my roses to bloom, but also the first to shut down in the heat, and she didn’t really give a fall flush this year either. I’m giving her one more year to show improvement.
Reply #11 of 11 posted 30 DEC 19 by LaurelZ
It’s the clay soil. If you are not willing to admend clay it’s not going to work out. I moved mine to my new house, but I removed huge amounts of dead clay soil and added good quality soil. Collette creates one or two good flushes a year, and rests in between. It’s not a hybrid tea.
most recent 13 MAR 19 SHOW ALL
Initial post 17 FEB 11 by monimoni
My signature is in its 3rd season. It was one of the first roses i planted in my backyard of my new house. To date i have 88 roses. Signature is among the favorities. This rose is a fast grower, tall upright with thick strong canes. The roses are high centered,great form,huge 5" blooms that last in the vase and on the vine for some time. The color is not affected by the heat of the summer, it flushes throughout the season. My last blooms were in late november. It is a mildew resisant,but can form black spots if not sprayed. I have not noticed a scent, however the beauty of the deep pink and cream inner coloring makes up for that. I noticed in the description it has the height at 4-5ft, mine is over 6ft, i wonder if it has turned into a sport of signature. This rose is hardy to zone 6 with no more than mulch protection and needs little spring trimming.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 13 SEP 12 by buckeyesouth
And where are you located, Monica?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 13 SEP 12 by monimoni
Reply #3 of 3 posted 13 MAR 19 by mtspace
I just got one and this review will help me site it. Thanks for the info, Monica.
most recent 31 DEC 17 SHOW ALL
Initial post 31 MAY 06 by ParisRoseLady

I read that Midnight Blue doesn't perform well grown on its own roots, but I have two own-root specimens that are thriving in my garden, putting out lots of growth, buds and bloom.  They were very small when planted last fall, and I wasn't sure they would even survive my zone 5/6 winter (they were put in the ground in late fall), but they rooted well, taking off like a rocket in the spring--they were practically the first roses to bloom in the entire garden.  So I would recommend them as own root plants... Claire, St Louis, Zone 5/6

Reply #1 of 11 posted 17 JAN 11 by buckeyesouth
Thanks for this info. I was just debating whether to get it own root.
Reply #2 of 11 posted 17 JAN 11 by buckeyesouth
And what has been your experience with this rose since several years ago?
Reply #3 of 11 posted 17 JAN 11 by RoseBlush
My experience with a budded 'Midnight Blue' in the mountains of northern California has been such that I am going to give it one more season to show me that it's worth keeping. It has been very slow to take off and the blooms fry in my summer heat.

I changed my feeding routine last year and all of my roses performed much better, so I want to give it another season before I pull out the shovel.

Reply #4 of 11 posted 18 JAN 11 by buckeyesouth
Does this rose make a good cut? Ebb Tide is notorious for wilting quickly, and I understand that Midnight is from the same cross.
Reply #5 of 11 posted 18 JAN 11 by RoseBlush
I really don't know. I rarely cut roses to bring into the house. Also, with the high temps in my climate, the blooms from 'Midnight Blue' don't really last that long on the bush. I am hoping that if the plant is healthier with the new feeding program that might change, but, to be honest, I doubt it. I don't think dark colored roses are going to work in this garden unless they have very heavy petal substance.

Reply #6 of 11 posted 15 NOV 14 by Michael Garhart
They both hate the sun. Ebb Tide does better in bright August sun, due to more and thicker petals, but they both suffer from those long summer days of heat.

This is typical of purple-red and blackened-red roses, however.

Of the newer purple roses I have grown, it has been Stormy Weather that has been the heat-tolerant. Sure, it is light on petals, but they are pretty strong petals. Its also the more prickly. It basically is like Westerland w/ purple blooms, lol.
Reply #7 of 11 posted 17 MAY 17 by Lavenderlace
Here in Z8, I have several that have done very well own-root. The color is much darker and the fragrance stronger than Ebb Tide to compare, though the blooms are slightly smaller.
Reply #8 of 11 posted 1 JUL 17 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Does midnight blue prefer sand over clay? How do you like its scent compared to Lagerfield (very nice scent in clay). Thanks.
Reply #9 of 11 posted 1 JUL 17 by Lavenderlace
Straw, I only had several of these grown in reddish but still sandy soil. I didn't put them in the vase so haven't smelled them as much as Lagerfeld, but would still have to prefer Lagerfeld if I had to choose. Both own-root.
Reply #10 of 11 posted 1 JUL 17 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Thank you. The purple/blue scent is elusive. Purple Wise Portia's scent is fantastic in cold weather, but lousy-clove in hot weather. Same with Deep Purple ... much better scent in cool weather, but weird-clove in hot weather. But Lagerfeld always smell good, regardless of the weather.
Reply #11 of 11 posted 31 DEC 17 by Michael Garhart
Ebb Tide is more consistently fragrant, but Midnight Blue is easier to grow (ET takes 2 years to become a full-fledged floribunda). I have each about 7 miles apart (different properties), and that is the main difference, except for petal count.
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