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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 16 FEB 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 FEB 17 by Frhoden
I have had this rose for a long time and have enjoyed it so much but it has started to decline in health and vigor. It has stopped blooming as much as it use to boom which was a lot. It has started not putting on as many branches or leaves as before and I almost fear to prune it because I feel it might die completely out. I have changed my fertilizer and fungus spray from Miricle Grow to just Nitrogen and Sulfur since I had my soil tested and this was advised and Im using a liquid sistemic antifungle spray that most of my roses have responded well to. The rose almost acts as if it has rose sickness but it has not been moved since I bought it. I just now thought, it could be nematodes. I lost a rose last year that I had bought recently and it was just next to this one. I had thought I lost it from rose sickness but it may have been brought in with nematodes when I purchased it. If you have any suggestions, I would lovr to hear it.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 16 FEB 17 by Andrew from Dolton
Does your soil have a low PH? Maybe you have a deficiency, have you tried a fertilizer with trace elements?
most recent 13 JUN 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 21 APR 13 by Frhoden
I have had a rose bush I thought was Joseph's Coat but it does not seem to me to be a climber and the color of the blooms can be described as pink and yellow variance but I have never thought of it as red and yellow blends. This rose bush also never has problems with black spot or rust. I'm wondering if it is something other than Joseph's Coat?
Reply #1 of 5 posted 21 APR 13 by Kim Rupert
There are a number of things your rose might be with those colors. Joseph's Coat is extremely prickly and can be grown as a shrub without support. Perhaps it's possible yours might be Joseph's Coat, but a very unhappy plant of it. If you can post photos of it I'm sure you would get some suggestions of others to compare it to. You should see the "add photo" tab on the right side of your posting once you've posted it under the "edit post" tab.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 25 APR 13 by Frhoden
Ok thank you
Reply #3 of 5 posted 12 JUN 16 by LaurelZ
Is this Joseph's Coat? It was supposed to be Anastasia.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 13 JUN 16 by Kim Rupert
It doesn't appear to be Joseph's Coat to me. The foliage appears too glossy and the colors are just wrong for what I have observed over the past nearly four decades of Joseph's Coat. Does that mean it absolutely could NOT be Joseph's Coat? No. But it does mean I have never seen the rose with foliage as glossy appearing, nor with coloring as "blue-pink" as this photo appears.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 13 JUN 16 by LaurelZ
I realized it's not thorny. I have taken another photo of it. I just looked it, not download yet. I wonder what it could be?
most recent 21 JUL 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 JUL 13 by Frhoden
I saved my Grandmother's Pollyantha Rose, Mothersday when she passed and the house was sold and it looked so healthy but I moved it again after two or three years to to accommodate a taller bush. Now for the last two years, it has looked as if its going to die. It starts out well in the Spring but then starts having light brown, dead looking tips up to 1/2 of a lot of the leaves. Most of the roses around it are healthy except a couple of new ones that I just put worm tea on since I was told that new roots might not do well with chemical fertilizers. I began using commercial fertilizer on this Mothersday but have added worm food recently to try to help it but it doesn't seem to be helping. What can I do?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 21 JUL 13 by Kim Rupert
Are you sure the plant is receiving sufficient water? I deal with two Margo Kosters, which are parallel sports of the same rose your Mothersday is. Neither does well here north of Los Angeles (also a higher heat area, like yours) unless I blow them out with a strong stream of water from the hose periodically. One is a bush, the other a standard. Both have greatly improved foliage of more lush appearance, better color with significantly more bloom of more appropriate color with the baths and increased water. If your plant is a more recent transplant, that extra hydration will also help it establish itself faster. These roses originated in much colder, wetter climates than either of ours. They really seem to appreciate a steady supply of water with regular 'baths' they would normally receive from rains. They seldom get rains here.

Also, how close is your plant to any hardscape? Walls, side walks, drive way, landscape boulders, etc.? It's very easy to bake, literally cook plants with reflected, radiated heat from these solar collecting surfaces. Those effects can be significantly greater for shorter plants as well as plants which aren't as well established in their positions. I'd check out the potential water and reflected, radiated heat issues before applying anything other than water. I would also try giving it a good shower every week during the higher heat and see what effect it has. The extra water suggestion is given based upon the presumption the plant grows with sufficient drainage.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 21 JUL 13 by Frhoden
Thanks for your quick reply and I think your suggestions are probably right since the last two years have been particularly hot and dry here and the location of this rose being next to a painted wood structure adds to its heat atmosphere. I will do as you suggest and give this rose more water on roots and leaves as it does have good drainage where it is located. Thanks again for your help.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 21 JUL 13 by Kim Rupert
You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. More often than not, problems like this are due to the easier, more logical, sometimes pretty obvious, causes. There are times they could be caused by nutrient deficiencies, but more often than not, they're because of drainage, water, light and heat.
most recent 15 JUN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 JUN 13 by Frhoden
My Mothersday Polyantha looks bad and the other roses I have look good. It looked very healthy early in the spring but now some of the leaves have brown starting on the tips and then advancing further up. Also, the leaves look tattered, like a wind blown damage. I am wondering if Polyanthas are susceptible to hot temps early in the season which is what we have had. This rose looked bad this way last year when we also had unusually high temps early but I had transplanted it the prior year so I thought that was the problem then. Now I am perplexed as to cause. I wondered if anti disease sprays could cause this damage but none or most of the other roses do not show problems with sprays and it had shown no problems in the past. I have added insecticide spray to my regimen but as with the other spray, none of the others have had problems. I spray in the evening also. Any helpful suggestions or knowledge of polyanthas?
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