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Das Rosenbuch Vol. 2
(1924)  Page(s) 71.  
Alberic Barbier, 1900, Barbier, whitish yellow, double, large, six to eight cm, quite vigorous, blooms in June, Wichuraiana X Shirley Hibb. (Wichur.)
Betsy van Nes Sport of Mrs. W. H. Cutbush. Introduced by Münch & Hause. Reference courtesy of Behcet Ciragan.
(1924)  Page(s) 71.  
Blanche Frowein, 1915, M. Leender, golden-yellow, large, quite full, quite vigorous. (Lambert).
(1924)  Page(s) 100.  
Another old sort of this race [R. sempervirens] is Duc de Constantine with large, lightly filled blooms in tantalizing silky pink, which Expresses itself best in a dark environment. She belongs to the section of the park which is more cared for.
(1924)  Page(s) 100.  
Much better than the typical Field Rose [R. arvensis]....are some old sorts with double blooms, like Ruga and Dundee Rambler. The former is a vigorous Rambler, which does reasonably well even in shade. Despite its hybrid tea-like deep pink blooms, it belongs to the most undemanding, where it is necessary to climb tall trees and along bushy borders. The same is true for the milk-white Dundee Rambler.
(1924)  Page(s) 71.  
Emile Nerini 1911, Nonin, pink, large, full; quite vigorous; one of the most beautiful hybrid wichuranas. (Wichur.)
(1924)  Page(s) 64.  
Eugenie Lamesch, 1899, P. Lambert, ochre-yellow, later light yellow and pink, medium size, short; Aglaia x Will. All. Richardson. Very fine spicy apple fragrance.
(1924)  Page(s) 6.  
Farbenkönigen [English: Queen of Colors] old gold with silvery pink (altgold mit silberig-rosa). 
(1924)  Page(s) 35.  
For our gardens is the Evergreen Rose unfortunately not hardy enough, but the Breeder has also been able to use it with success. It and the arvensis are said to be involved in the origination of the Ayrshire-Roses (R. arvensis var. capreolata). A beautiful climbing rose with sempervirens blood is for example the old Félicié et Perpétue.
(1924)  Page(s) 71.  
Félicité et Perpétue, 1827, Jacques at Neuilly, flesh-white, medium size, well double in trusses; very vigorous; one of the hardiest climbers of great beauty. (Semp.)
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