are you aware that google books has a ton of old rose books published on line now?? great resource!!
Thanks for the tip !
Initial post
14 JUL 06 by
Hi, I am glad because I found this website, I love roses they are my favorite flower. I have a few plants and I don't know the name of the roses. If I send you a photo of the roses, could you tell me the name? ThanksLuz from Puerto Rico
#1 of 2 posted
17 JUL 06 by
Hi, can you give us a little more info about each rose. The pix aren't really clear, esp the multi color one. if you could get us a clearer pix that might help. and tell us a bit about each one, is fragrant? is it thorny? how big is it? does it repeat bloom etc . I am a novice but if you give us some more info maybe we can ID it for you.The multi one looks like white and orange? Thanks Jody
#2 of 2 posted
27 JUL 06 by
Unregistered Guest
The one that have colors, pink and yellow, start yellow and finish pink, and doesn't have thorn. The other one is miniature and is old pink. Thanks
Initial post
25 JUL 06 by
Hi, You are right if we all try to contribute information and ideas the site will end up being amazing. I will try to do my part. Regards Lulu
I just wanted to say how much I truly am appreciating your website! One suggestion for those posting comments and questions under the Q & C tab - I would love it if everyone would mention what zone they live in &/or city and state. Thank you! Nicole
Thanks for the suggestion Nicole. We have this on our future enhancement list.