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Hello... many of you are not doing your part! HelpMeFind is supposed to be an open exchange of experience, insight and ideas and many of you are not participating. We provide several ways for you to contibute to and improve HelpMeFind.
- If you grow or have experience with a specific plant, please use the Q & C tab (questions & comments) to share your experience or insight.
- If you have a good photo of a specific plant or garden please upload it using the UPLOAD button found on the plant or garden Photos tab.
- If you know of a source for a plant we are not aware of please let us know and well add them to our list of suppliers.
- Note the links along the top of the page to report an error on the currently displayed page; to provide additional information about the displayed page; or to offer a site suggestion. The only way HelpMeFind can be truly comprehensive is with the help of the gardening community.
- Consider listing your garden, including the plants you grow. This, along with your approximate address (no need to give your exact address or even your real name on your garden listing), is a great resource for others to see what does well in different parts of the country. They can use the Q & C tab on your garden listing to ask you questions or leave comments. Please also consider using the Journal tab to keep a journal of your gardening activities. Here you can share your successes, failures, etc. for all to learn from. Imagine how useful HMF could be with detailed garden listings of people from all over the world or just down the street.
- Please contribute your rose and gardening articles for our Ezine. We are interested in both old (reprints) and new articles. We are working on building an indexed, categorized and searchable resource of rose and gardening related articles. New authors can gain worldwide exposure and seasoned writers will have the satisfaction of knowing their work will not be lost or forgotten.
- Please visit the (soon to be improved) Q & A Forum and help answer questions from others. We rely on volunteers to share their expertise and knowledge. The Recent Posts tabs lists recent questions and comments.
- Vote ! Please use the various FAVORITES VOTING buttons to vote for you favorite plants, gardens, nurseries, Ezine articles, etc.
- Tell us about your (other) favorite web sites. The LINKS section of the site includes a Suggest New Links tab for you to tell us about other web sites you found particularly useful. We will take a look and add them to the appropriate links section
- Tell us about the nurseries, public gardens, rose and gardening related individuals and societies where you live. We will be happy to include them.
- If you value HelpMeFind at all, please be sure to let your favorite nurseries know and encourage them to become HMF sponsors.
We are grateful to the many people around the world that support and contribute to HelpMeFind and we hope more of you will become active participants. We have grand plans for HelpMeFind - we have a long way to go but we'll need help.
Reprinting, use or distribution of this article is prohibited without prior approval from its author(s). Copyright 2025 by the author(s), all rights reserved. HelpMeFind's presentation of this article is not an endorsement or recommendation of the policies, practices, or methods contained within. A few comments from the editor, please take a look.
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