The California Rose Company illustrated and descriptive book of field grown, own root Roses
(1917) Page(s) 8. Climbing Winnie Davis, Hybrid Tea. (California Rose Co., 1913) A true CLIMBING sport from the bush sort, Winnie Davis: of extremely strong climbing habit and very prolific of bloom; well branched and foliaged from the ground. Bloom of fine size, with buds and half-blown flower shaped and moulded in absolute perfection; of nice substance and moderately full. Color, salmon-pink, shading to shell-pink and perle. This is undoubtedly one of the greatest acquisitions to the climbing rose family yet produced. 50 cts.
(1917) Page(s) 9. Frances Charteris Seton. Hybrid Tea. (Wm. Paul, 1911) Deep rose-pink; very full, large and fine form. 50 cents.
(1904) Page(s) 33. James Sprunt. (Bourbon.) A strong, ribust climber and constant bloomer; foliage dark, medium size and profuse; flowers of medium size, very double, full and fragrant; color, very rich cherry-red, making a most charming sight.
(Mar 1911) Page(s) unnumbered. Queens of the Yellows offered exclusively by California Rose Company, Pomona, California Joanne Wessenhoff [sic] (Hybrid Tea) A yellow Hybrid Tea sent out from Europe several years since, and a "100 Point" Rose in every particular; in short one of the very grandest roses in our nursery. We have for several years bent our efforts to work up a large stock of this variety- but not until the present have we succeeded to a point where we felt safe in talking the rose up to its full merits. We have disseminated practically the entire stock of this variety in existence today, and there is, we might say, practically no stock of it in the U.S. outside of our own and what we have sold to private planters. The style of growth is very similar to Kaiserin- upright and symmetrical, throwing long flowering shoots amply able to support the flower without drooping; one of the most persistent bloomers and flowers at all times first-class; and from reports it adapts itself to all sections; it is as hardy as La France or Kaiserin so far as we can learn. The color is clear lustrous yellow, varying somewhat in richness and depth according to the season of the year. Flowers are of medium size, buds long and pointed, of perfect form; rich in texture and substance; with broad petals which reflex and make the ideal half blown flower. True Tea fragrance. Young plants $1.00 per 25; $4.00 per 100; $37.50 per 1000
(1914) Page(s) 19. Roses for the People Keystone, Climbing Polyantha (Dingee, 1904) Deep lemon-yellow; full and double; magnolia fragrance; free bloomer; vigorous.
(1900) Page(s) 27. Includes photo(s). Laurette. (Tea) A very pretty rose indeed of recent introduction and highly praised as a garden rose wherever known. The foliage is unusually handsome and attractive, being a peculiar shade of dark shining green and lustrous; foliage sufficiently distinct to attract notice. flowers of good size and lovely in form, only a portion of petals reflexing, and, contrary to most sorts, retaining its lovely form until petals drop or wither. Color creamy white, shaded rose; a continuous bloomer. 25 cents each; $2.50 per doz.
(1900) Page(s) 45. Luciole. (Tea) A very pretty rose; flowers extra large, full and double; buds very long and beautiful; petals much reflexed as flower opens; color, clear cherry-red, with golden-yellow center, finely shaded; fragrant; a free and continuous bloomer. 25 cents each; $2.50 per dozen.
(1900) Page(s) 39. Philemon Cochet [sic]. (Tea) A very good rose; a good grower with unusually pretty and heavy foliage; a profuse bloomer; flowers coming on good stiff stems and very prettily formed; color, salmon-blush; good the entire year. 20 cents each; $2.00 per dozen.
(1913) Page(s) 25. Includes photo(s). Monsieur de Sir. T. (Climbing.) A very rich dark red, rapid growing climber of merit. Not a full rose but our experience with it is very favourable. 50 cents.
(1917) Page(s) 17. Mrs. E. Alford. Hybrid Tea. (Lowe & Shawyer, 1913) Beautiful silvery-pink; large and full; fragrant. 35 cents.