Select List of Roses and Instructions for Pruning (1947)
(1947) p28 Alice Amos Single flowered rose, [is] perpetual flowering.
p31 . Alice Amos.... Height 2-ft.
(1947) Page(s) 32. 'Apricot Queen' (H.T.) Howard & Smith, 1939. Salmon, shaded old gold. Petals 30. Vigorous. Garden, bedding. Fragrant. Not liable to disease, and does not mind rain. A delightful variety that produces its blooms on long, stiff stems. Second Class Trial Ground Certificate. Prune 4.
(1947) Page(s) 33. 'Barbara Richards' (H.,T.) A. Dickson & Sons Ltd., 1930. Maize yellow, flushed pale rose. Petals 45. Vigorous. Exhibition, garden, bedding, standard, pot. Very floriferous, but bloom liable to hang its head. Fragrant. Prune 3, 43 38 (b)
(1947) Page(s) 34. 'Blushing Lucy' (Wich ramb.). Dr. A. H. Williams, 1938. Pale pink. Blooms double. Petals 20. Vigorous. Arch, pillar, fragrant. a late flowering variety. Mid-July, that retains its large trusses of bloom over a long period. Second Class Trial ground Certificate. Prune 37 (Group 2) or 39.
(1947) p25. for pillar, arches and pergolas.
p28. Some very fragrant roses: ‘Crimson Conquest’
p29. Single-flowered Rambler and Climbing Roses: ‘American Pillar, ‘Crimson Conquest’, ‘Evangeline’, Hiawatha’, ‘Jersey Beauty’ and ‘Mermaid’.
p37. ‘Crimson Conquest’ (wich. climber), Chaplin Bros., Ltd., 1931. Scarlet. Single flowering. Vigorous, Pillar, arch, pergola. Delightfully fragrant. Early July flowering. Blooms very lasting and foliage not liable to disease. Extra good. First Class Trial Ground Certificate. Prune 37 (Group 3) or 39.
(1947) Page(s) 40. 'Elizabeth Arden' (H.T.) G. Prince (Oxford) Ltd. 1929. Pale lemon white. Petals 46. Vigorous Garden, bedding. Fragrant. Does not mind wet. First Class Trial Certificate. Prune 4.
(1947) Page(s) 40. ‘Elizabeth of York’ (H.T.) Dobbie & Co., 1927 - Cerise pink, shaded orange. Petals 40. Vigorous. garden, bedding. Fragrant. The blooms are of a very brilliant colour, produced in great profusion, but inclined to pale in sunlight. Prune 4.
(1947) p25. Gardenia (wich rambl) – for pillars, arches and pergolas. p43. Gardenia (wich. Ramb.) Manda, 1899. Bright yellow, changing to cream. Petals 12. Very vigorous. Pillar, arch, pergola. One of the best yellow wichuraianas. Blooms pale with age. Early July flowering. Prune 37 (group 2) or 39.
(1947) Page(s) 44. p44. Golden Dawn (T), Grant, 1929. Pale lemon yellow. Petals 35. Fragrant. Vigorous. Exhibition, garden, beddng, standard, pot, town. Not liable to disease, and does not mind wet. One of the very best varieties of recent years. Its only fault is the blooms often show a split centre when three parts open. Good in Autumn. First Class Trial Ground Certificate. Prune 3, 4, 38 (b) or 42.
(1947) p19 Pink and salmon pink roses: ‘Hector Deane’ (HT)
p45 ‘Hector Deane’ (HT). S. McGredy & Son, 1938. Salmon pink, shaded gold. Petals 25. Vigorous. Garden bedding. Delightfully fragrant. Prune 4.