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'Tottering-By-Gently' rose Description
'Tottering-By-Gently' rose photo
Photo courtesy of HonzaPM
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
9 favorite votes.  
Average rating: GOOD.  
Bred by David C. H. Austin (1926-2018) (United Kingdom, before 2014).
Introduced in United Kingdom by David Austin Roses Limited (UK) in 2018 as 'Tottering-By-Gently'.
Introduced in United States by David Austin Roses Limited (USA) in 2020 as 'Tottering-By-Gently'.
Introduced in Australia by Wagner's Rose Nursery in 2023 as 'Tottering-By-Gently'.
Shrub.   (Series: English Rose Collection)  
Yellow, ages to lighter .  Mild, citrus, musk fragrance.  up to 5 petals.  Average diameter 3.5".  Large, single (4-8 petals), in small clusters, cupped-to-flat, open bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  Long, pointed, ovoid buds.  
Rounded, well-branched.  Glossy, medium green foliage.  3 to 7 leaflets.  

Height: up to 4½' (up to 135cm).  Width: up to 4½' (up to 135cm).
Can be used for beds and borders.  
Australia - Patent  on  4 Nov 2021
Application No: 2021/222   VIEW PBR PATENT
United States - Patent No: PP 32,074  on  18 Aug 2020   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application No: 16/350,907  on  30 Jan 2019
Inventors: Austin; David J. C. (Albrighton, GB)
This invention relates to a new and distinct variety of shrub rose plant named `AUScartoon`, which was originated from the cross-pollination of the two `unnamed` and unpatented seedlings of Rosa hybrida. ....the maternal parent has an apricot colored bloom with more petals, a semi-double bloom, and larger growth than `AUScartoon`. .... the paternal parent has white, single blooms and a more upright growth than `AUScartoon` ... description is of 5 year-old rose plants of the new variety grown in a garden environment in Albrighton, Britain in the month of June.
If you know the parentage of this rose, or other details, please contact us.
"Tottering-By-Gently" is a weekly cartoon series created in 1993 by Annie Tempest (b. August 22, 1959), British artist and cartoonist
Participated in the 2020 Nagaoka trials (Echigo Hillside Park).