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'Tottering-By-Gently' rose References
Website/Catalog  (13 Nov 2022)  Includes photo(s).
Tottering By Gently  (Auscartoon) -Soft buttercup single blooms make a spectacular display en masse and give a musk fragrance.  The bush is approx. 1.25m high with large, open sprays on a rounded, branching shrub.  Good for sun or part shade, hedges and mixed borders with the flowers finishing in a great display of rose hips.  One for the bees.
Website/Catalog  (2018)  Includes photo(s).
This variety’s beauty is found both in the simplicity of its single flowers and the spectacular display they create when viewed en masse.  Held in large, open sprays, the yellow flowers open to reveal golden stamens.  Paling prettily over time, they have a light musky scent, with fresh notes of orange peel.  It flowers freely, repeating regularly throughout the summer.  A large, healthy shrub; its growth is rounded and branching.  David ᅠAustin, 2018. [...]
Named to celebrate the 25th anniversary year of Annie Tempest’s classic weekly cartoon.  First published in Country Life magazine in January 1994, Tottering-by-Gently depicts the everyday capers of Dicky and Daffy Tottering, and their family, at Tottering Hall.  The tongue-in-cheek humour cleverly addresses differing social perspectives of our time.
Book  (2018)  Page(s) 145.  Includes photo(s).
'Tottering by Gently' (Austin 2018)
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