Austin (1926-2018), David C. H.
Photo courtesy of Ladybug
Rose Breeder, Author and Discoverer
Listing last updated on Fri Mar 2025
01902 376300 [Information] 1902 375177 [Fax]
David Charles Henshaw Austin OBE. Born Feb 16, 1926. Died Dec 18, 2018. Obituary: https://www.davidaustinroses.co.uk/about-us/david-c-h-austin
David Austin was the owner of one of Britain's leading rose nurseries, specializing in Old and Modern Shrub Roses and Climbing Roses. In 1970, Austin formed his nursery, David Austin Roses, and introduced the first English Roses which included, 'Wife of Bath', 'The Prioress', and 'Canterbury', as well as 'The Yeoman', 'The Knight', and 'Dame Prudence' (the last three have been discontinued). He has been breeding and hybridizing roses for more than forty years and is recognized as a world expert in his field.
From David Austin's English Roses, p. 23: David Austin] started experimenting with hybridizing roses in the 1940s and 50s...
1998 The Royal National Rose Society Historic Roses Group p15. David Austin The Character of The English Rose.
2019 March. By Any Other Name p2. Charles Quest-Ritson. Remembering David Austin
David J. C. Austin. Born 1958 David Austin Roses, Ltd. was established in 1969 and remains a family business. David J. C. Austin has worked alongside his father for over fifteen years.]
From the 2008 American Rose Annual, p.22. David J. C. Austin was born in 1958 n Shropshire England, the eldest son of David C. H. Austin......He married Francine in 1983 and together they have three children: Richard, James and Olivia.
Richard Austin, David Senior’s grandson, and son of David Junior, joined the company in 2010