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Pernetiana Roses
[From The Old Rose Advisor, by Brent C. Dickerson, p. 124: 'Antoine Ducher'] is the unlikely co-founder, with R. foetida persiana, of the Pernetiana class, a class which crossed with the old Hybrid Teas, initiated the modern Hybrid Teas.

[From The Old Rose Adventurer, by Brent Dickerson, pp. 454-456: The author cites a tremendous amount of information about these roses, here are some highlights] A new class of Rose, originating with that eminent raiser, Monsieur Pernet-Ducher, of Lyons. They have rapidly gained popularity on account of their unique colouring... I have been told Monsieur Pernet-Ducher has a remarkably coloured seedling from which he obtains many of his crosses, and possibly this accounts for so large a number of this tribe originating with him... a variety that dies back quickly, is liable to Black Spot, and has a poor constitution. Its descendants inherit its undesirable characters... [Pernet-Ducher] was haunted by the superb yellow color of ['Persian Yellow'], which he strongly wished to have in a remontant... In a word, Pernet-Ducher stuck to his idea, and over and over again hybridized Hybrid Perpetuals with the pollen of 'Persian Yellow'... he noted that the rose 'Antoine Ducher' took more easily than others to crossing with Rosa lutea... The Pernet rose came from crossing 'Persian Yellow' (sulphur yellow) with the Hybrid Perpetual 'Antoine Ducher'. The first variety obtained was 'Soleil d'Or'; 'Lyon Rose'; 'Rayon d'Or', etc., saw the light of day later. To these new hybrids, the creator gave the name Pernetiana Roses (Roses of Pernet), as Noisette did for his obtentions. The coloration varies from sun yellow up to apricot yellow and coppery orange, and isn't equaled in any other sort of rose. Before the appearance of the Pernetiana, there weren't any freely remontant [yellow] roses, except among the Tea roses and Hybrid Teas, and even then the yellow shade wasn't very pure...

[From Roses For the Television Age, by E.A. Piester, p. 20: Pernetianas were so named] to distinguish them from other hybrid teas not infused with yellow or orange.

[From an advertisement in the American Rose Annual 1926, p. viii:] The newer shades in roses such as Coral, Old Gold, Saffron Yellow, Terra Cotta and Oriental Red are obtained by planting Pernetiana Roses, and these roses are only a success when budded upon Rosomanes Stock. This distinction is quite noticeable in the rose 'Los Angeles' which proves a failure when budded upon any other stock... Our Hybrid Tea and Perpetual Roses are budded upon Multiflora and Manetti Stock... [they note that in their catalog they] do not pass along the description of the Hybridists as the roses grow in Europe but as they grow in our Nursery, always stating defects as well as merits...

[From Experimenting on Different Understocks, American Rose Annual 1935, p. 54:] Generally, the Pernetianas give poor results on 'Manetti'.

[From an advertisement in the American Rose Annual 1927, p. xxii:] Robert Evans Hughes, Rose Specialist, Williamsville, New York... Pernetianas [are] much superior when budded on 'Gloire des Rosomanes' stock. This distinction is quite noticeable in the Roses 'Los Angeles' and 'Souvenir de Claudius Pernet'... Our Hybrid Perpetual and Hybrid Tea Roses are budded on Japanese Multiflora stock.

1917 The Rose Annual
p50, Mrs. H. R. Darlington. The Flower and the Leaf.
The comparatively new group of Pernet roses have good and distinct foliage, usually glossy and of a bright green, sometimes prettily contrasted with red stems and thorns. Unluckily this group seems specially susceptible to the worst of all diseases with which rose foliage has to contend, the horrid and now, alas! too familiar black spot.

1924 Hazlewood Bros
p47. Pernetiana Roses. This new race takes its name from the renowned Hybridist of Lyons, Mons. Pernet Ducher. He commenced by crossing the Persian yellow with a Hybrid Perpetual ('Antoine Ducher') and produced 'Soliel d'Or'. From this variety we have had some of the loveliest coloured roses possible to conceive, but so far, almost all of them have the weak foliage of both ancestors, with a particular liability to black spot. This disease causes premature defoliation, and in most climates the shoots die back to the bud for lack of proper ripening. As Adelaide possesses the driest atmosphere of all the capital cities, these roses reach their fullest perfection in that place, and wherever Adelaide conditions are found, similar successes may be expected. The divisions marked P [Perth] are also quite satisfactory, while M [Melbourne] having a rather moister atmosphere, is somewhat limited as to the number of varieties suitable. In B [Brisbane] and S [Sydney] they are not satisfactory generally. One note of encouragement must be struck, however, for the benefit of growers who cannot succeed with these lovely roses, and that is the great improvement in the disease-resistant qualities of foliage of the latest varieties, and we believe that a further infusion of hardy H.T. blood will soon make them successful anywhere. The roses as a class are quite indifferent to extreme heat or intense cold, but succumb to a humid atmosphere. Unless specially mentioned, all the varieties are liable to weak stem. A number of experiments are in train for improving the growth, but no definite results are yet available.

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