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'AUSjump' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 40-339
most recent 15 FEB 18 SHOW ALL
Initial post 8 NOV 09 by Simon Voorwinde
I suspect wichurana features somewhere in this variety... very double producing no anthers for me (Tasmania, Australia). Has not set any OP hips yet. Testing it as a seed parent this season. Grows easily and well on its own roots.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 15 FEB 18 by Michael Garhart
"Comparison with Parents

`AUSgold` (Golden Celebration) has large, cupped, golden-yellow flowers on a medium shrub compared with the orange-red blooms of AUSjump. The seedling parent has deep pink flowers and grows to 240 cm, about thrice the height of AUSjump. "

8' tall?

I have Jubilee Celebration, which is either a full or half-sister to this rose. A resulting seedling with a typical HT resulted in a 7' floppy monster HT. Nothing even remotely like the very short Jubilee Celebration, or either parent of the HT.

My first thought was back-breeding to Aloha? Similar foliage. Who knows though.

It is quite weird, the reference to a polyantha line, because there is nothing to back this up, and the stated height of the unknown parent in the patent is pretty disparate to the polyantha idea.
Discussion id : 37-605
most recent 11 NOV 11 SHOW ALL
Initial post 29 JUN 09 by Lora
I fell in love with the fragrance of this rose. Hard to describe...but very fresh scent. NOt as fruity as some of the other Austins, and I have many by now. It was so powerful to my nose, I bought it immediately. Now to find a spot for it! LOL Does any one know if it tolerates partial shade?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 13 AUG 09 by jeffcat
I just purchased CM recently, so I can't give a long term review of it, but I purchased it as a Jackson and Perkins 2 year old gallon rose at the local nursery. It is about 2ft tall right now. CM is different from many of the other english roses. It is very much like a miniature rose with small foilage and small blooms that at their largest are 3". It counters the small blooms with a flurry of blooms and is quite floriferous. The growth is somewhat similar to CM's parent Golden Celebration. Golden Celebration tends to throw out long arching canes when pruned short, and has twiggy dropping growth when pruned lightly. CM has a similar growth, although more twiggy. You could feasibly use CM as a ground cover rose if you wanted to. If you prune it back hard, it will throw out slightly thicker more upright canes like most roses, but it's a more dense and compact little shrub unless you let it roam free in which case it may become hairy in growth. I don't find the fragrance to be particularly overpowering. I would say it is strong at best, but usually moderate and similar to golden celebration, but not as powerful. The scent does carry however due to the sheer number of blooms that the rose puts out to have a nice fragrance as an entire bush. So far CM is disease free and pretty disease resistant in Ohio.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 13 AUG 09 by HMF Admin
Great detail in your post - very, very helpful. Thank you for your participation.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 11 NOV 11 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
C. Marlowe tolerates partial shade - it blooms when my tall house shades it in late fall. The scent gets stronger in its 3rd year, wonderful! Vase life is 2 days. It's gorgeous as a landscape bush, with amazing color. The foliage is shiny and healthy in my alkaline clay. It gets bushy and wide, needs space.
Discussion id : 27-170
most recent 7 JUN 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 JUN 08 by Kiwirose
At the end of one season, this rose has never been without blooms in my garden. We have now had three light frosts and it is still putting out new buds. It has not been sprayed all season, and has acquired a very small amount of blackspot towards autumn, but no other disease. It has a charm which is rarely apparent in photos.
Discussion id : 16-462
most recent 31 JAN 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 JAN 07 by Anonymous-102305
So far this rose does well for me. It is about 1 year old. The blooms are numerous and very pretty. The fragrance is moderate. I have not had any problems with disease and the plant is short and bushy.
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