'BAIcream' rose References
Website/Catalog (2012) Website
Macy's Pride, ('Baicream', 'Garden Art Macy's Pride'), S, w, 2003, [Graham Thomas × Carefree Beauty], Lim; P. and Twomey; J.; buds lemon yellow, slim; flowers creamy white with a hint of pink as they age, 4-5 in., 22 petals, borne mostly in clusters of 3; recurrent; foliage red-trimmed, aging to semi-glossy, medium green.; prickles ½- ¾ cm., grey-purple; upright, bushy (5 ft.) growth
Article (website) (2007) Roses with superior resistance (less than 2% foliage infected) to black spot and cercospora leaf spot were considered no-spray roses (do not require fungicides for clean foliage).
Macy's Pride is on the list of no-spray roses.
Magazine (Jan 2001) Page(s) 3. 2004 Roses in Review: Top Ten Big Roses – Garden Ratings; Number of reports = 14; ratings = 8.0