'Star Dust ™' rose Reviews & Comments
The only nursery listed as selling it is Nor'east, but Nor'east is out of business (they should probably be removed from this rose listing at least...) None of the nurseries that Nor'east says they gave their stock to seem to have Star Dust. I didn't try Burlington because they don't list their roses online.
Burlington does maintain their inventory for their nursery on HMF. You also can find contact information on their nursery page. A rose may not be listed as "available", but Burling may have a few plants of a rose at the nursery. I suggest you contact her.
Smiles, Lyn
Does Star Dust set hips?
'Star Dust' sets hips. None of the seed has germinated for me so far.
Thanks Robert. Were your hips OP or from a planned cross?
No, the hips were OP. I often sow OP seed in order to get an idea of fertility before I vest time and energy in planned crosses. I now have seedlings using 'Star Dust' as pollen parent. Offspring are recorded under 'Star Dust' lineage.
I grow OP seeds for the same reason and also to see what traits might be dominant. I'll make a note on my list to use this one as a pollen parent. I like the coloring on your Riverbanks x Star Dust. Thanks Robert.
Again, SD pollen is sometimes hard to find because it is often too double to produce much pollen. A large percentage of seedlings from the Riverbanks x Star Dust cross died off in early infancy. Apparently due to a genetic incompatibility problem. The surviving seedlings are of normal vigor. I'll carry these forward.
This is an outstanding cultivar. It has a neat compact growth habit and the stems are virtually smooth.