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October 24, 2009 at Hana Festa Memorial Park, Gifu, Japan.
Courtesy of roseum.net
Uploaded 1 APR 17 |
August 06, 2012. Amelia, VA
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 6 AUG 12 |
October 24, 2009 at Hana Festa Memorial Park, Gifu, Japan.
Courtesy of roseum.net
Uploaded 1 APR 17 |
A very pretty "country style" rose. Holds color well in hot sun.
2 favorite votes.
Uploaded 25 MAY 12 |
Courtesy of Takunori Kimura
Uploaded 24 FEB 17 |
Uploaded 6 OCT 11 |
Photo taken in the Hague, at Westbroekpark during Rose Trials, July 2014. Netherlands.
Uploaded 7 AUG 14 |
An extremely pretty rose with small flowers on a compact, bushy plant. Very floriferous. I can detect little or no fragrance.
2 favorite votes. |
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