'Gloire des Rosomanes' rose Reviews & Comments
Does anyone know where I might buy this rose in the U.K.?
#1 of 5 posted
12 NOV 16 by
No selling nursery listed in the UK, but You might buy a plant of it at one of the 5 listed nurseries in the rest of Europe. Most do ship to the UK.
Thanks Jay-Jay, I just ordered one from Denmark for forty quid! I can't believe no one in the U.K. sells this rose. Also I can't believe that there are no growers here specialising in miniature roses and I have had to order 'Erinnerung an Brod' from Germany.
#3 of 5 posted
13 NOV 16 by
Hi Andrew, The recession urged quite a few nurseries to downsize their stocks and/or number of varieties. Quite a few didn't make it through the recession. And a lot of nurseries do not update the content of their stock-list, or even bother to list themselves or their stock on HMF. Sometimes one needs to go way further from home, to collect the roses of one's liking. Best Regards, Jay-Jay.
Can you still get roses sent to Britain now...?
#5 of 5 posted
14 APR 23 by
Just contact the nursery Yourselves, from which You want to order roses. They can answer, whether they ship or not. But customs will most likely ask You, to pay import duties.
There are conflicting reports of ploidy for this rose.
Table S2 (supplementary) in the paper "Nineteenth century French rose (Rosa sp.) germplasm shows a shift over time from a European to an Asian genetic background" lists 'Gloire des Rosomanes' as tetraploid. It seems that they did not count for themselves, but rather, they list the source of their ploidy information as "bibliography".
#1 of 1 posted
16 JUN 21 by
In this case, they actually state that they measured it to be tetraploid (see Excel-File to be found under same title). Origin of the plant is Loubert. In Modern Roses, ploidy is given as 28, too. The source of Ann Wylie's GdR material in the 2003 article is not given. In Europe, we believe there are several different clones of GDR in commerce.
The Century 12: 435 (July 1876) Science explains and classifies; its flowers are always in rows, as at a greenhouse. Poetry comes along, selects a rose-tree, takes it home, and sees it blossom in the front yard.
Poetry, in the disguise of a friend of the present writer, did this very thing the other day. It or he—the friend—bought a Gloire de Rosaméne from a sordid city greenhouse and planted it in the little strip of earth that runs between brick-walk on one side, and high brick-wall on the other, along the whole length of a certain long and narrow front yard in this very city. Do you know the Gloire de Rosaméne? It is first cousin to the wild rose. It has the grace of culture, but it has not lost the charm of nature and of the country. “It is an abundant bloomer, and its flowers are cupped, large, semi-double, and of a brilliant deep scarlet.” One dewy morning we saw it open its deep eyes and put to shame, with its intense, and penetrating, and reticent gaze, the shallow classification of the mere man of science.
The Gardeners’ Monthly and Horticulturist 2(7): 195 (July 1860) Among hybrid Bourbons Souvenier d’Anselme proves particularly hardy, and will drive Gloire de Rosamene entirely out of cultivation as a pillar rose. We call attention to this matter at this season because now is the time to take notes of such as grow strong and vigorously.
Thank you! What a perfect description of 'Gloire des Rosomanes': "....the grace of culture, but it has not lost the charm of nature." I am so glad to have this rose in my garden. Rarely without a bloom, it adds that charm and liveliness to the garden and to any vase or posy. The buds and hips and red stamens and leaves that look as though they have been cut out with pinking shears are all delightful.
#2 of 4 posted
13 SEP 14 by
Billy, I just wish I could grow it here. But our winters are too harsh, I think, for this fine old rose. Karl
It hasn't been the easiest rose to grow here Karl - took quite a few years to begin to grow happily in hot summerland. As a young plant, the stems were more susceptible to sunburn than other roses and that set them back quite badly each summer. Lost the first plant to sunburn and the second one was given a bit of protection - I used dried grass to loosely cover the stems in the summer. After about five years it began to look comfortable and to grow more strongly. I wonder whether it would be worth persevering in a colder climate as well?
#4 of 4 posted
26 JUL 20 by
Is it still going well? It's one of roses I keep looking at as it features quite often in the lineages of so many roses but reading about it's trouble with sunburn from both you and Patrica in a comment further down leaves me cautious.
I assume, the foliage fragrance is peppery? I don't think I've come across anything that specifically says anything on the character of the scent.
Initial post
20 DEC 13 by
Is it rootstock? like hybrid tea or not need ?
'Ragged Robin' was certainly used as a rootstock in warm and dryish climates.
"....or not need?" Sorry I don't understand your question.
#2 of 4 posted
20 DEC 13 by
Thank you.
If I make a cutting bud(Vegetative) from 'Ragged Robin' Without rootstock Is that okay?
hybrid tea must to be rootstock Otherwise they are weak....
I grow 'Ragged Robin' on its own roots on a heavy acid soil. I know of a lady who also grows it on its own roots on sandy soil. Both plants took some years to settle in. The sandy soil one suffered sunburn for a while there but now delights the owner. My heavy soil one gives promise but not much else at the moment although I do see spring blooms.
#4 of 4 posted
24 OCT 14 by
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