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'SOCapan' rose References
Book  (1990)  Page(s) 108.  
Don Sheppard. Final Analysis 1989-90 Miniatures.
'Calumet'. Eagle 1985. ('Golden Angel' x 'Golden Angel'). White touched pink; 17 reports; 26 bushes; 1-4 years; 40cm; 7.6 rating. Best described as a mini 'Peace', though not widely grown, is well regarded by all reporters. Lovely classic HT form, good colour varying with weather conditions. The bush grows well, compact and healthy. A worthwhile mini.
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 104.  
Don Sheppard. Review of Newer Roses for 1987-88 Season. Miniatures.
'Calumet'. Eagle NZ 1985; white/yellow, with pink; 4 reports; 7 bushes; 1-3 years; 30cm; 7.6 rating. Two reports from Canterbury say the blooms have good form, but open a little too quickly. The bush produces lots of blooms. Waikato calls it a miniature 'Peace', although the colour fades there. Hutt Valley says the form is lovely, growth is good and it is healthy. Worth trying.
Book  (1986)  Page(s) 41.  
'Calumet' SOCapan. Min. (Barry & Dawn Eagle; Southern Cross Nursery, 1985). 'Golden Angel' x 'Golden Angel'. Fl. creamy yellow, petals edged with pink, dbl. (30 petals), HT form, medium blooms borne 1-3 per cluster; fragrant; Fol. medium green, semi-glossy; very few, small, red prickles; upright, bushy growth; yb.
Book  (1986)  Page(s) 120.  
Don Sheppard. Review of Newer Roses for 1985-86 Season. Miniatures.
'Calumet'. Eagle 1985. ('Golden Angel' x 'Golden Angel'); light pink; 2 reports; 4 bushes; 1-3 years; 30cm; 7.6 rating. This very new introduction gives light pink, classically formed blooms which have a yellow centre - almost a miniature 'Peace' - but colour can vary over the season. The bush is compact and appears to be healthy. Quite promising for the exhibitor.
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