'City of Belfast ®' rose References
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p5 1968. City of Belfast - 62/2221. Nicknamed The Sash
Book (2002) Page(s) 34. Rated 8.0
Book (2000) Page(s) 165. Includes photo(s). ‘City of Belfast’/MACci = Orangé vibrant? Rouge sang? Ecarlate? Au soleil d’en decider pour les grandes fleurs doubles et volantées de ce floribunda plein d’éclat… pas de parfum, mais se renouvellent jusqu’aux gelées sur un buisson légèrement étalé, au feuillage sain et luisant. McGredy, UK, 1968.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 129. Sam McGredy has raised a number of splendid bright orange-scarlet Cluster-flowered Roses, including 'Orangeade', 'Trumpeter' and 'City of Belfast'.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 165. Includes photo(s). City of Belfast (MACci) Cluster-flowered/Floribunda. McGredy (UK) 1968. 'Evelyn Fison' x ('Circus' x 'Korona')... large clusters of brilliant orange to blood red or scarlet blooms...
Book (1996) Page(s) 100. Includes photo(s). City of Belfast (MACci) Cluster-flowered floribunda bush... an excellent bedding rose... clusters of scarlet blooms... awarded the top prize in the British rose trials in 1967, and Gold Medals in New Zealand, Belfast and The Hague... McGredy 1968
Book (1994) Page(s) 52. Nola Simpson. The Trial Ground 1969-1994. A look back over 25 years. ....and the bright orange red floribunda 'City of Belfast'. Although not grown so much now they have stood the test of time and are still available.
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 122. Includes photo(s). City of Belfast (MACci) CLuster-flowered. Parentage: 'Evelyn Fison' x ('Circus' x 'Korona'). Sam McGredy 1968. Description... flowers: ruffled petals, orange-red... commermorates the establishment of the Rose Trial Ground in Belfast...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 97. City of Belfast® Floribunda, bright red, 1968, (MACci); 'Evelyn Fison' x ('Circus' x 'Korona'); McGredy, S., IV. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 12, 224. Includes photo(s). Page 12: [Photo] Page 224: [Photo] City of Belfast Cluster-flowered floribunda. Parentage: 'Evelyn Fison' x ('Korona' x 'Circus'). (aka MACci) Northern Ireland 1968. Description and cultivation... Rich, clear scarlet, full blooms with slightly frilled edges...