'Dioressence®' rose References
Book (2003) Page(s) Table 12. Awards at International Rose Trials of Monza...1984... Rosa Profumata, 'Dioressence' ®, Grandiflora, Delbard
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 147. Includes photo(s). Dioressence Cluster-flowered. Description... named for Dior's expensive perfume... a pleasing shade of mauve... It comes from Goerges Delbard, the French raiser of greenhouse roses and was introduced in 1984. Parentage: (['Holstein' x 'Bayadère'] x 'Prélude') x unnamed seedling.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 133. Dioressence® Grandiflora, lavender, 1984, (DELdiore); (('Holstein' x 'Bayadère') x 'Prelude') x Seedling; Delbard-Chabert. Description.