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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Book of the Rose
(1991)  Page(s) 134.  Includes photo(s).
Height: 5 ft. Spread: 5 ft. Listed under "Modern Shrub Roses." Flowers: highly fragrant, clear pink shaded salmon, 'old-fashioned', borne repeatedly throughout summer. Foliage: medium green, healthy.
(1991)  Page(s) 139.  
Height: 4 ft. Spread: 3 ft. Gallica. Nearly thornless, with lax but strong arching stems. Flowers: fragrant, fully double, purple-red maturing to a soft parma-violet with button eyes.
(1991)  Page(s) 139.  Includes photo(s).
Height: 6 ft. Spread: 5 ft. It has remarkable flowers with the texture of paper, large, semi-double, white, from early to late summer. In autumn, the foliage becomes slightly yellow, with large, orange-red hips appearing. Densely packed with prickles. Dark, deeply veined leaves.
(1991)  Page(s) 140.  Includes photo(s).
Height: 4 ft. Spread: 3 ft. White flowers heavily splashed and striped with crimson, fragrant. As the flowers mature, the stripes fade, first to magenta and then to soft lilac-grey. A relatively weak growing plant.
(1991)  Page(s) 140.  
Height: 5 ft. Spread: 4 ft. An 1840 Gallica Hybrid. Flowers: dusky, dark purple, reflex almost into a ball, slightly fragrant. Foliage: dark green, smooth and shiny leaves. It requires special attention: generous feeding and regular thinning and pruning. Known as 'The Blue Rose of the Arabs'.
(1991)  Page(s) 141.  Includes photo(s).
Description... a strong-growing Gallica. Flowers: fragrant, densely packed, rich crimson with a hint of purple as they age, unique (having a sliced-off appearance)...
(1910)  Page(s) 273.  
Introduced Charles J. Grahame 1905. Description.

(1991)  Page(s) 116.  Includes photo(s).
Dortmund Description... scentless, single, large, bright red flowers with a white eye and a central boss of yellow stamens...
(1991)  Page(s) 142.  Includes photo(s).
Description. Also known as 'Francofurtana' and the Frankfort Rose. Gallica Hybrid. The blooms are outstanding, perhaps the finest in the Gallica group... large, clear, rich pink, veined in deeper shades, double and cup-shaped.
(1991)  Page(s) 142, 143.  Includes photo(s).
Page 142: Description... flowers: single, clear pink, creamy stamens...
Page 143: [Photo]
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