Initial post
30 JAN 07 by
Unregistered Guest
I have lost my only plant of Fortune Teller this winter and can't locate a source. If anyone knows of a place to purchase a plant or has some cuttings they would sell Id be very appreciative if they would let me know.
Mike, if you are still looking for Fortune Teller, email me and maybe I can help. Donna
Donna, if you know of a commercial source please let us know too so we can post it to the site.
I have not been able to find Fortune Teller commercially, but I do have one bush growing in my garden.
#3 of 6 posted
2 MAY 08 by
Unregistered Guest
Donna, Yes I am still looking. I found two healthy specimens last summer growing at the Smithsonian on the Mall in DC and was sorely tempted to take (read: steal) cuttings but didnt. Please let me know if you have cuttings or know of a source, and thanks.
This is a patented rose and as such the selling of cuttings is illegal. HelpMeFind does not condone this activity and we ask that you please refrain from using this forum for posts of this nature.
Thank you for understanding.
#7 of 6 posted
14 JUN 22 by
This rose was patented in 1995 so it is out of Patent.
Mirandy is the choice for discriminating deer. I accidentally left our gate open for one night and a deer ate the blooms off of both of my Mirandy rose bushes, planted at opposite ends of our property, ignoring Mr. Lincoln, Oklahoma, Ingrid Bergman and other red roses. I guess it knew its "Mirandy rights."
Joking aside, I think Mirandy is tops, too. It produces beautiful red, fragrant blooms on tall stems that last a while in a vase. Wonderful rose!
This is hilarious! :D I wonder what was their criteria
Caribbean just won't stop blooming. It is full of buds from early spring and blooms late into the fall. Very vigorous and must be pruned hard or it will grow over 6 feet tall. Why this rose isn't more available commercially is a mystery.
Do you know where I might locate Caribbean? I loved that rose when i planted it at a former home. I'd love to get it again but have had no luck finding it. Any ideas are welcome.
There are several nurseries which have indicated that they carry this rose in their inventory listed under the BUY FROM tab located in the upper right hand portion of the rose page for 'Caribbean'
Smiles, Lyn
#3 of 3 posted
23 JUL 17 by
Roses Unlimited---own root.
How easy is the r. acicularis to grow from seed?
#1 of 1 posted
25 AUG 16 by
Well, I have grown it from seeds collected in Mongolia. The seeds may take two winters before they germinate. It does well and has nice flowers even in a much warmer climate in Germany. In Mongolia it hardly grows over a foot high. And my German plants are not much higher. Thus I am not sure if the Mongolian/Siberian rosa acicularis is really the same as the American variety. There is also some confusion with rosa davurica. I am in Mongolia frequently and today I have checked again the pine-larch-birch forests at 2000-2500m altitude.Plenty of rosa acicularis here. Nice colouring of the leaves and nice hips. Morning temperatures at the moment around freezing, though today was exceptionally cold. Seems to grow everywhere in undergrowth under the pine trees. Doesn't like so much dry meadows. Pressure from other shrubs or trees does no harm. In winter temperature drops to minus 40 degrees Celsius and below regularly. http://greif.uni-greifswald.de/floragreif/taxon/?flora_search=Taxon&action=species&gen=Rosa