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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Modern Roses III
'A.G. Furness'. HT. (A. Clark, '41) Sensation seedling. Rich red. Semi-cl.
(1947)  Page(s) 4.  
‘A. G. Furness’. HT. (A. Clark, ’41)., Sensation seedling. Rich red. Semi-cl.
(1947)  Page(s) 28.  
B. W. Price HT.  (McGredy '41). Night x Mme. Butterfly.  Bud long-pointed; fl. large, semi-dbl (6-8 petals), open, cerise-pink. Fol. Soft. Vig (3 1/2 ft.),:upright, bushy, semi-compact. 
(1947)  Page(s) 19.  
Belle Portugaise...Cayeux '03.  .Not hardy north; almost naturalised in Calif.
(1947)  Page(s) 22.  
Bloomfield Abundance. HT. (Thomas; int. B&A, '20.) Sylvia x Dorothy Page-Roberts. Dbl., salmon-pink. Fol. glossy, dark. Bushy (3-6 ft.); recurrent bloom. Similar to Cécile Brunner but hardier and the blooms larger. (All the Bloomfield roses were produced by Capt. George C. Thomas, Jr., at his home of that name in Chestnut Hill, Pa., until he removed to Beverley Hills, Calif. where he continued his hybridisations until his death in 1932.)
(1947)  Page(s) 35.  
Charles P Kilham HT (Beckwith ' 26) .......
(1947)  Page(s) 35.  
Charlotte HT. (Duehrsen; int. van Barneveld '41). 'Joanna Hill' x 'Golden Dawn'. Bud long-pointed; fl. dbl., high-centered, very fragrant, iridescent salmon-pink and coral, gold base; long stem. Fol. glossy. Vig. bushy.
(1947)  Page(s) 39.  
Claude Petit Hybrid Tea. (Buatois, '36) Mlle. Marie Mascuraud x Beauté de Lyon. Very double, high-centered, very fragrant, soft salmon-pink, yellow stamens. Vig.
(1947)  Page(s) 52.  
Crown of Gold HT. (H&S, '37) Seedling x 'Joanna Hill'. Bud pointed; fl. large, dbl.,high-centered, deep gold, lemon-yellow at edges; long strong stem. Fol. large, leathery, light. Very vig. (4-5 ft).
(1947)  Page(s) 55.  
Defiance  HT. (Kress, '14) Gruss an Teplitz x Etoile de France.  Large (5-6 in.), dbl., very fragrant, dark velvety red. Fol.
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