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Roses For All American Climates
(1924)  Page(s) 173.  
Alberic Barbier (HW.) Barbier, 1900. Rosa Wichuraiana X Shirley Hibberd.) Hardy. Yellow, fading to cream; beautiful glossy foliage. Stood third in English vote of 1923 for climbers...
(1924)  Page(s) 187.  
ALICE ALDRICH. Conard & Jones. (R. rugosa X Caroline de Sansal.) Very hardy. Clear light pink; large and double; fairly continuous. Catalogued by Conard & Jones Co., West Grove, Pa.
(1924)  Page(s) 174.  
Beauty of the Prairies (syn. Queen of the Prairies; Prairie Queen; Mme. Caradori-Allan). (H.Set.) Feast, 1843. (R. setigera X R. gallica.) Extremely hardy. Red, sometimes showing white; double; medium to large. Very vigorous. Foliage lasts.
(1924)  Page(s) 174.  
Hybrid Wichuriana. Van Fleet, 1905; intro. by Lovett, 1917. Very hardy. Clear bright crimson; large, double, cupped; fragrant; vigorous. Flowers drop cleanly....
(1924)  Page(s) 159.  
Tender Climbing Roses.....Black Boy. (Cl.HT.) Clark, 1919. Etoile de France X Bardou Job. Deep velvety crimson, shaded blackish maroon, overlaying fiery scarlet; bloom large, semi-double (do not hold their shape well after being cut), produced on long, stiff stem; slight fragrance. Foliage mildew-proof. Reported as a vigorous grower in Australia, where it reaches 23 feet in a few years. Being tested by Howard & Smith, Los Angeles, Calif., and shows much promise.
(1924)  Page(s) 73.  
Bloomfield Abundance. Thomas, 1920; introduced by Bobbink & Atkins. (From Sylvia (Wich.) x Dorothy Page-Roberts (HT).) Extremely hardy. Medium to light salmon-pink, shading to soft silvery flesh; small bud, open flower with high pointed center; slight fragrance; lasts well. Strong growth; fair stem; foliage almost perfect. A dainty decorative rose, much on the shade of Cécile Brunner, but a larger and stronger grower; much hardier than the climbing sport. ...In Cen. Zone only tips of wood winter-kell. Gave over three hundred blooms in the Portland, Ore., test of 1919, and scored over 93 percent....
(1924)  Page(s) 159.  
Capt. Thomas classified 'Bloomfield Decoration' as a Hybrid Wichuriana in the chapter on tender climbing roses. "Cerise-pink with white center, large, single (five petals), borne in clusters... In California blooms every month of the year. Foliage absolutely perfect."
(1924)  Page(s) 159.  
. H. Musk. Thomas. (Mme. d'Arblay (H. Musk.) X Bloomfield Abundance (HT.).) Light pink bud; open flower flesh, shell-pink center. Hardy in Cen. Zone and without protection in Pac. N.-W. Booms through the entire season in both zones. Growth up to 6 feet in Cen. Zone, giving over one hundred blooms; much larger in Pac. N.-W., where the Bloom comes in Long clusters, most striking and novel. Won Gold Medal at City of Portland International Rose-Test Garden, 1922, scoring 96 per cent. Pac. N.-W.
(1924)  Page(s) 42.  
Climbing roses for the Pacific Northwestern zone....Light.... H. Musk.
(1924)  Page(s) 188.  
Description: Dark rose, double; fragrant. Fruits come late.
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