(1930) Page(s) 3. ‘Abricot’. HT. (Barbier, 1929.) Mrs. Aaron Ward x J. C. N. Forestier. Bud medium size, globular, coppery red; flower medium size, semi-double, open, cupped, rather lasting, moderately fragrant, apricot and coral-salmon, reverse coral-red, borne several together on medium length stem. Foliage abundant, medium size, rich green, glossy, disease-resistant. Growth vigorous, upright, bushy; continuous bloomer.
(1930) Page(s) 4. Agnes Barclay. HT. (A. Clark; intro by N.R.S. of Victoria, Australia, 1929). Bud well-shaped; flower tea-scented, yellow and reddish salmon tints. Growth vigorous (3 ft).
(1930) Page(s) 8. ‘Allen Chandler’ HT (Prince, 1923) Hugh Dickson x unnamed variety. Bud medium size, long-pointed, very dark red; flower large, single to semi-double, very lasting, slightly fragrant, brilliant crimson, borne on long stem. Foliage abundant, large, dark green, leathery, glossy, disease-resistant. Few thorns. Profuse, continuous bloomer all season. Very hardy. Gold Medal, N.R.S. 1923. Cory Cup, 1923. (Illus. In 1924 Rose Annual, facing p168)
(1930) Page(s) 11. 'Angel Guimera'. HT. (P. Dot; intro. by S. Dot,. 1926.) 'Frau Karl Druschki' x 'Souv de Claudius Pernet'. Type, 'Souv. de Claudius Pernet'. Bud medium size, long-pointed; flower medium size, double, full, moderately fragrant, very lasting, amber-yellow, borne singly or several together on long stem., Foliage abundant, large, rich green, soft.; Growth very vigorous, upright, bushy (1-year plants, 2 ft.); profuse, continuous bloomer.
(1930) Page(s) 11. Angelus. HT (Lemon, 1921). Columbia x Ophelia seedling. Flower large, full (40 x 45 petals), form similar to Premier but higher center, lasting, white, cream tint at center, fragrant, borne singly on long, strong stem. Foliage medium size, rich glossy green, disease-resistant. Vigorous, upright; free bloomer. Similar to Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria, but more double, blooms in winter, and keeps longer.
(1930) Australia Felix. HW. (A. Clark, 1919.) Sport of Jersey Beauty. Bud small, globular; flower medium size, open, cupped, semi-double, lasting, very fragrant, pink and silver shaded lavender, borne several together on medium-length stem. Foliage abundant, medium size, dark green, leathery, glossy, disease-resistant. Growth vigorous, bushy; profuse, continuous bloomer, Gold Medal, N.R.S. of Victoria.
(2000) Page(s) 38. page 38 Banquise see LAPruni page 302 LAPruni, HT, w 1974 (Banquise) Laperrière.
(1930) Page(s) 19. ‘Barbara Richards’ HT. (A. Dickson, 1930),. Flower large, full, well formed, fragrant, maize-yellow and buff, flushed rose. Growth vigorous; very free bloomer. Awarded Mayor‘s Cup for Best Rose, Southport, Eng.
(1930) Page(s) 23. Birdie Blye. Mult. (Van Fleet; intro. by Conard & Jones, 1904) Hélène x Bon Silene. Bud medium size, long-pointed, carmine; flowers large, double, cupped, lasting , slightly fragrant, rose-pink, borne several together on long, strong stem. Foliage sufficient, medium size, light green, disease-resistant. Growth moderate, upright; free, continuous bloomer all season.
(1930) Page(s) 23. ‘Bishop Darlington’. HW. (Thomas, 1926; intro. By Dreer and Howard & Smith.) ‘Aviateur Bleriot’ x ’Moonlight’. Bud medium size, ovoid, orange-red; flower large, semi-double, open, cupped, lasting, moderately fragrant, cream to flesh-pink, with yellow glow, reverse light pink, canary-yellow base, borne singly and several together on medium stem. Foliage medium size, light bronzy green, soft, disease-resistant. Growth vigorous (8 ft), climbing; profuse, continuous bloomer (200 in Pa. from May to November). Hardy.