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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Phoenix Nursery Company, Bloomington, Illinois
(1899)  Page(s) 17.  
New Roses and Roses of Special Merit.
American Beauty—Hybrid Perpetual. An excellent hardy Tose for permanent planting. Fully equal to General Jacqueminot in hardiness. Larger in size of bloom. Very double and of a fine crimson pink. Also considered the finest red rose for forcing, and always bringing the best price in the largest flower markets.
From 4 inch pots...$12.00
From 6 inch pots...$15.00
(1899)  Page(s) 17.  
New Roses and Roses of Special Merit.
Augustine Guinoisseau—Or White La France. Color, a lovely flesh or very light pink, when at its best. An extra fine rose.
(1899)  Page(s) 17.  
New Roses and Roses of Special Merit.
Augustine Halem—Hybrid Tea. Extra large and handsome. Color, dark crimson. A beautiful free blooming rose, and very fragrant.
From 4-inch pots...$2.00
(1899)  Page(s) 17.  
New Roses and Roses of Special Merit.
Baron de Maynard—Hybrid Perpetual. Flowers very large and perfect in form. Pure white, strong, vigorous grower; profuse bloomer throughout the season.
(1899)  Page(s) 17.  
New Roses and Roses of Special Merit.
Beauty of Waltham—Hybrid Perpetual. Very strong, vigorous, free blooming; large flower; rosy carmine.
(1899)  Page(s) 17.  
New Roses and Roses of Special Merit.
Belle de Normandy—Hybrid Perpetual. Splendid large full flowers, clear rose, shaded rosy carmine.
(1899)  Page(s) 17.  
New Roses and Roses of Special Merit.
Belle Siebrecht—Hybrid Tea. A truly superb Rose. Color, imperial pink. The flowers, which are sweetly perfumed, are large, beautifully formed, and of that long, tapering shape, with high center, and when half blown, the petals reflex in a graceful manner. It is a free and vigorous bloomer, with large and glossy foliage of leathery texture, entirely free from mildew. One of its best qualities is that it holds its color after cutting. 
From 4-inch pots...$2.00
(1899)  Page(s) 17.  
New Roses and Roses of Special Merit.
Bon Silene—Tea. Deep rosy pink, shaded crimson. Semi-double. Very fragrant.
(1899)  Page(s) 17.  
New Roses and Roses of Special Merit.
Bridesmaid—Tea. A pink sport of Catherine Mermet. In color a very lively pink; has very fine foliage; is short jointed and is bound to become a favorite.
(1899)  Page(s) 17.  
New Roses and Roses of Special Merit.
Caroline de Sansal—Hybrid Perpetual. Vigorous growre. Flesh color, deepening to center. Large, full. 
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