Royal Palm Nurseries, Oneco Florida catalog
(1915) Page(s) 46. The Rose is at home in the South, where we can produce flowres of all kinds nearly the year around... Anemone. The Pink Cherokee, one of our introductions from England a few years ago. Flowers a beautiful shade of light pink, with a satiny sheen. This is a vigorous climber.
(1915) Page(s) 46. The Rose is at home in the South, where we can produce flowers cf all kinds nearly the year around... Bessie Brown. Hybrid Tea. A very large, full flower white, or tinted pink; petals large, shell-shaped.
(1915) Page(s) 46. The Rose is at home in the South, where we can produce flowers cf all kinds nearly the year around... Bon Silene. Tea. An old favorite. Deep carmine crimson buds; open flower pink.
(1915) Page(s) 46. The Rose is at home in the South, where we can produce flowers cf all kinds nearly the year around... Catherine Mermet. Tea. Long pointed buds, delicate pink.
(1915) Page(s) 46. The Rose is at home in the South, where we can produce flowers cf all kinds nearly the year around... Cherokee. A very vigorous climber, useful for hedges, etc. Flowers freely produced in early spring, single pure white. Strong roots from layers, 25¢, $2.50 per doz.; $18.00 per 100.
(1915) Page(s) 46. The Rose is at home in the South, where we can produce flowers cf all kinds nearly the year around... Chromatella or Cloth of Gold. Noisette. Deep yellow, large flowers.
(1915) Page(s) 46. The Rose is at home in the South, where we can produce flowers cf all kinds nearly the year around... Climbing Bridesmaid. Tea. Very rich pink flowers, especially fine for vases or for other cutflower work. A grand sort.
(1915) Page(s) 46. The Rose is at home in the South, where we can produce flowers cf all kinds nearly the year around... Climbing Devoniensis. Tea. The famous Magnolia Rose. Creamy-white, tinged blush. The bush Devoniensis also in stock.
(1915) Page(s) 46. The Rose is at home in the South, where we can produce flowers cf all kinds nearly the year around... Climbing Devoniensis. Tea. The famous Magnolia Rose. Creamy-white, tinged blush. The bush Devoniensis also in stock.
(1915) Page(s) 46. The Rose is at home in the South, where we can produce flowers cf all kinds nearly the year around... Duchess de Brabant. Tea. Shell-pink shaded carmine. A splendid, free-flowering, vigorous sort.