Wild Bros. Nursery Co. - Catalogue of Fruit and Ornamental Trees
(1908) Page(s) 23. Achille. (Calot). Delicate flesh fading white, moderately large, fragrant, early, free grower and bloomer, much used for cut flowers, vigorous...Each .20, per 10 1.00, per 100 7.00
(1908) Page(s) 23. Alba Grandiflora. Large fragrant white, borne on vigorous stems...Each .50, per 10 4.00
(1908) Page(s) 23. Alba Sulphurea. (Calot). White guards, lemon-yellow center, large shapely bloom; fragrant; early, abundant bloomer; plant vigorous.....Each .50, per 10 4.00
(1908) Page(s) 23. Alexander Dumas. (Guerin). Brilliant pink interspersed with salmon and chamois; fragrant; early, abundant bloomer; palnt vigorous...Each .45, per 10 3.50
(1908) Page(s) 19. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. American Beauty. Large, deep pink shaded with carmine, delicious fragrance....Each .40, per 10 3.00
(1908) Page(s) 23. Andomarensis. (Delache). Large cherry-red, a vigorous , healthy bloomer.....Each .17, per 10 .75, per 100 5.00
(1908) Page(s) 23. Andre Lauries. (Crousse). Rosy red; fair size and shape; fragrant, healthy, hardy, vigorous; long stems; much used forlate cut flowers...Each .20, per 10 1.00, per 100 6.00
(1908) Page(s) 20. Everblooming or Monthly Roses. Baby Rambler. In bloom all the time; flowers brightest crimson in large clusters hiding the plant, which grows to a height of 18 inches. Good for blooming indoors....Each .50, per 10 4.00
(1908) Page(s) 19. Hardy Climbing Roses, including Ramblers... Baltimore Belle. Blush white, in clusters. A well known variety...Each .25, Per 10 1,50
(1908) Page(s) 23. Baronne James de Rotchild. (Guerin). Guards silvery rose, purplish-rose tuft with salmon center; dwarfish; free-blooming; good landscape variety....Each .15, per 10 1.00, per 100 6.00