Monatsschrift des Vereines zur Beförderung des Gartenbaues
(1881) Page(s) 353. [From the article "Landrosen" by Rudolf Geschwind] ...pillar roses....R. simpervirens: Adelaïde d'Orleans
(1881) Page(s) 353. [From the article "Landrosen" by Rudolf Geschwind] ...pillar roses....Hybrids: Adolphe...
(1881) Page(s) 353. From the article "Landrosen" by Rudolf Geschwind] ...pillar roses....Rosa pendulina: Amadis...
(1881) Page(s) 353. [From the article "Landrosen" by Rudolf Geschwind] ...pillar roses....Hybrids: Belle d'Yvry...
(1881) Page(s) 353. [From the article "Landrosen" by Rudolf Geschwind] ...pillar roses....R. arvensis: Dundee Rambler...
(1881) Page(s) 353. From the article "Landrosen" by Rudolf Geschwind] ...pillar roses....R. simpervirens: Félicité perpétué...
(1881) Page(s) 353. [From the article "Landrosen" by Rudolf Geschwind] ...pillar roses....Hybrids: General Kleber...
(1881) Page(s) 353. [From the article "Landrosen" by Rudolf Geschwind] ...pillar roses....R. lutea: Harrisonii...
(1881) Page(s) 353. [From the article "Landrosen" by Rudolf Geschwind] ...pillar roses....Hybrids: Las Casas...
(1881) Page(s) 353. From the article "Landrosen" by Rudolf Geschwind] ...pillar roses....R. multiflora: Lauré Davoust...