The New Indian Gardener and Guide
(1850) Page(s) Vol. II, p. 23. The China ever-blowing rose, R. damascena of Roxburgh, Adnee gula, gulsurkh, bearing handsome dark crimson blossoms during the whole of the year; it is branching and bushy, but rather delicate, and wants odour.
(1850) Page(s) Vol. II, p. 171. Rosa indica or Chinensis, pink. China blush rose, [blooms] august. 2 ft.
(1848) Page(s) Vol. I, p. 187. Rose, China...kut'h gulab. Rosa Chinensis.
(1850) Page(s) Vol. II, p. 171. Rosa gallica, pink. Bussorah rose, [blooms] january, february, march, december. 4 ft
(1850) Page(s) Vol. II, p. 21-22. The Bussorah rose, R. gallica, Gulsooree, red, and white, the latter seldom met with, is one of a species containing an immense number of varieties. The fragrance of this rose is its greatest recommendation, for if not kept down, and constantly looked to, it soon gets straggling, and unsightly; like the preceding species too, the buds issue from the ends of th e branches in great clusters, which must be thinned, if well formed fragrant blossoms are desired. The same soil is required as for the preceding, with alternating periods of rest by opening the roots, and of excitement by stimulating manure.
(1848) Page(s) Vol. I, p. 187. Rose, Bussorah, gul sooree. Rosa gallica.
(1848) Page(s) Vol. I, p. 188. Rose, damask,...adna gulee, ..gulsurkh,...ssudburg. Rosa damascena.
(1850) Page(s) Vol. II, p. 23-24. The Due de Berri rose, a variety of R. damascena, but having the petals more rounded and more regular, it is a low rather drooping shrub with delicately small branches.
(1850) Page(s) Vol. II, p. 171. Rosa indica (var.) crimson. Duc de Berri rose, [blooms] april, may. 3 ft
(1850) Page(s) Vol. II, p. 23. The Indian dog-rose, R. arvensis, R. involucrata of Roxburgh, Gul bé furman, is found to grow wild in some parts of Nepal and Bengal, as well as in the province of Buhar, flowering in February, the blossoms large, white, and very fragrant; its cultivation extending is improving the blossom, particularly in causing the petals to be multiplied.