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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Miniature Roses (Eagle)
(1985)  Page(s) 54.  
'Academy'. MACgutsy. McGredy 1982. 'Anytime' x 'Matangi'. A hand-painted' miniature with eye-catching cream blooms edged with orange-pink. The medium height plant flowers early and repeats quickly.
(1985)  Page(s) 55.  Includes photo(s).
'Angelita'. MACangeli. McGredy 1982. 'Moana' x 'Snow Carpet'. The creamy-white-tinged pink flowers of this healthy groundcover plant repeat quickly and make a most attractive display, whether planted to smother weeds, tumbling over walls or down banks, or as a container or hanging basket plant. A very good variety of its type.
(1985)  Page(s) 56.  
Anytime. McGredy, 1973. 'New Penny' x 'Elizabeth of Glamis'. The semi-single (twelve petals) flowers on this vigorous free-blooming plant are salmon-orange with an almost metallic look. The foliage is very dark.
(1985)  Page(s) 69.  Includes photo(s).
Dorola. MACshana. McGredy, 1983. 'Minuetto' x 'Mabella'. This plant seems almost like a floribunda at first glance. It has many unfading yellow blooms of a good shape but both flower and bush size are larger than most miniature roses. Sam McGredy has called this one of the new 'Patio' roses, and it would be good grown in a container.
(1985)  Page(s) 73.  
Freegold. MACfreego. McGredy, 1981. 'Seaspray' x 'Dorola'. Unfading bronzy yellow flowers of hybrid tea shape on a large upright plant. This is another of the new 'patio' roses.
(1985)  Page(s) 77.  Includes photo(s).
'Hi-De-Hi' McGredy, 1981. 'Anytime' x 'Otto Linne'. Mauve pink flowers with narrow petals form very unusually shaped flowers.
(1985)  Page(s) 81.  Includes photo(s).
'Kaikoura' MACwalla. McGredy 1978. 'Anytime' x 'Matangi'. The larger flowers of bright orange-red open flat. The foliage is dark green and glossy and the plant is vigorous, bushy and free blooming.
(1985)  Page(s) 82.  
'Koa'. Kovinski.Meredith 1978. 'Persian Princess' x 'Gene Boerner'. Double coral pink flowers with a hybrid tea-shaped bud on a moderately tall, open bush.
(1985)  Page(s) 82.  Includes photo(s).
Ko's Yellow. MACkosyel. McGredy 1978. '['New Penny' x Banbridge'] x ['Border Flame' x 'Manx Queen'] The larger flowers are a classic hybrid tea shape. They are medium yellow, sometimes with a deep pink edge on the petals. The glossy foliage is also larger, but in proportion to the flower size. We find this variety to be very fragrant in warm weather.
(1985)  Page(s) 82.  
'Lady Eve'. Rovinski/Meredith, 1978. 'Neue Revue' x 'Sheri Anne'. The round bud and double flowers are cream with a coral edge, on a tall spreading bush.
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