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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Old Roses (Keays)
(1935)  Page(s) 82.  
In developing garden roses from Sempervirens the greatest work was done by Jacques, gardener to Louis Philippe, at Neuilly. jacques named a pale rose-colored Sempervirens for Adélaide d'Orléans; for Princess Luise, a creamy White; for Princess Marie, a clear pink. The one not named for someone in the royal house, but for his two daughters, - one rose and two daughters, it is said, - is Félicité et Perpétue, 1828, and it is the one surviving in old gardens.
(1935)  Page(s) 180.  
Anna de Diesbach
Hybrid Perpetual
This rose has a lovely bloom of a deep carmine-pink shade, very large and full, intensely fragrant... 'Anna' is just a bit dressier than 'La Reine'. In last quality and profusion of bloom it has proved to be better [for the author]
(1935)  Page(s) 177.  
Thomas Laxton grew 'Annie Laxton', 1869
(1935)  Page(s) 177-178.  
[To create repeat-blooming roses, Jean Laffay] used Hybrid Chinas [especially 'Athelin' and 'Celine'] which he crossed with Damask Perpetuals and Bourbons...
(1935)  Page(s) 177, 189.  
Page 177: Baron de Bonstetten the great old maroon
Page 189: Baron de Bonstetten
Hybrid Perpetual 1871
... a velvety, very blackish crimson shading to maroon... very fragrant... shy in autumn...
(1935)  Page(s) 52.  
Baron de Wassenaër, 1854, has a bloom like a double, hollow cup, of deeper and brighter rose-pink than the common Moss, coming with moss on the bud, calyx and sepals, but not on the foliage. The Baron may be induced to climb and carry his free, clustering bloom up several feet.
(1935)  Page(s) 182.  
Baroness Rothschild
Hybrid Perpetual
... pink rose... a complete absence of fragrance...
(1935)  Page(s) 184-185.  
Baronne Prévost
Hybrid Perpetual 1842
... rose-color, slightly deeper in the center...
(1935)  Page(s) 85.  
Ruga was a very popular rose years past as were three other Ayrshires which should be found somewhere: Bennett's Seedling, white, double, of medium size and expanded form; Dundee Rambler....Splendens...
(1935)  Page(s) 84.  
Hybrids are often very Close to the species [Rosa arvensis]. Especially so is the one we call Ruby's Rose. Ruby's Rose is so called because it was planted years ago on the grave of a pet dog, Ruby, by one of our friends, the original rose having been brought from an old place in England. Ruby ramps and trails and hooks in by natural layers, making long, wiry growth in a season, blooming early with a pale pink double flower. This may be the Old Blush Ayrshire.
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