(1976) Page(s) 9. Hybrid Teas. 'Ariosa'. Llght vermilion orange large bloom of about 20 petals. Lightly fragrant. $4.00
(1961) Page(s) 19. Baby Alberic White, small, perfectly shaped blooms, double. Dainty foliage, perpetual bloom, dwarf plants.
(1961) Page(s) 15. ‘Baby Faurax’. Large clusters of fragrant violet shaded blooms on a very low growing plant. Most floriferous.
(1979) Page(s) 5. ‘Bendigold’. (Murley). Floribunda. Orange coloured small double well formed buds and blooms, very freely produced.
(1961) Page(s) 14. Pillar and shrub Roses. 'Blue Boy'. Large double bloom of a reddish violet hue, very fragrant, and having light green foliage. Spring flowering only.
(1961) Page(s) 2. Cara Bella. Long sprays of single pink and white blooms. Healthy growth. 12/6
(1989) Page(s) 6. Some Very Special Roses. Champagner. (Kordes). A lovely soft shade of pure cream. A very shapely small flower of about 25 petals which reflex naturally. Generous clusters and a very high flower production on a hardy bush, which is upright in growth to about 75cm.
(1979) Page(s) 13. ‘Clg. Chicago Peace’ – Copper-pink. Repeats.
(1976) Page(s) 10. ‘Colin’s Salmon’ New. Clear salmon, fully double fragrant blooms. Free flowering and with good stems.
(1978) Page(s) 15. ‘Colin’s Salmon’ (HT) (Brundrett, 1976). This is a sport from ‘Bel Ange’ discovered in Victoria. Of good form, clear bright salmon in colour. Produces ample quantity of well formed blooms on nice long stems. Fragrant.