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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the Legislature of the State of California
(1891)  Page(s) 501.  
In the Report of the State Board of Horticulture on Floriculture - Rose Culture: Perhaps there is no country in the wide world where the rose can be grown to greater perfection than in California...
What Sorts To Plant:....
Bengals - Agrippina, deep blood-red
(1891)  Page(s) 500.  
In the Report of the State Board of Horticulture on Floriculture - Rose Culture: Perhaps there is no country in the wide world where the rose can be grown to greater perfection than in California...
What Sorts To Plant:....
Hybrid Perpetuals, or Remontants - Alfred Colomb, scarlety crimson
(1891)  Page(s) 501.  
In the Report of the State Board of Horticulture on Floriculture - Rose Culture: Perhaps there is no country in the wide world where the rose can be grown to greater perfection than in California...
What Sorts To Plant:....
Hybrid Teas - American Beauty, deep pink
(1891)  Page(s) 500.  
In the Report of the State Board of Horticulture on Floriculture - Rose Culture: Perhaps there is no country in the wide world where the rose can be grown to greater perfection than in California...
What Sorts To Plant:....
Hybrid Perpetuals, or Remontants - Annie Marie-Cote, white
(1891)  Page(s) 501.  
In the Report of the State Board of Horticulture on Floriculture - Rose Culture: Perhaps there is no country in the wide world where the rose can be grown to greater perfection than in California...
What Sorts To Plant:....
Bengals - Archduke Charles, variable, crimson and white
(1891)  Page(s) 500.  
In the Report of the State Board of Horticulture on Floriculture - Rose Culture: Perhaps there is no country in the wide world where the rose can be grown to greater perfection than in California...
What Sorts To Plant:....
Hybrid Perpetuals, or Remontants - Baronne de Bonstetten, very deep velvety crimson
(1891)  Page(s) 500.  
In the Report of the State Board of Horticulture on Floriculture - Rose Culture: Perhaps there is no country in the wide world where the rose can be grown to greater perfection than in California...
What Sorts To Plant:....
Teas - Baronne de St. Triviers, bronze-red
(1891)  Page(s) 500.  
In the Report of the State Board of Horticulture on Floriculture - Rose Culture: Perhaps there is no country in the wide world where the rose can be grown to greater perfection than in California...
What Sorts To Plant:....
Teas - Bon Silene, pink
(1891)  Page(s) 500.  
In the Report of the State Board of Horticulture on Floriculture - Rose Culture: Perhaps there is no country in the wide world where the rose can be grown to greater perfection than in California...
What Sorts To Plant:....
Teas - Bougere, pink
(1891)  Page(s) 500.  
In the Report of the State Board of Horticulture on Floriculture - Rose Culture: Perhaps there is no country in the wide world where the rose can be grown to greater perfection than in California...
What Sorts To Plant:....
Hybrid Teas - Capt. Christy, silvery pink
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