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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Dingee and Conard Co.
(1894)  Page(s) 35.  
General Collection — Ever-Blooming Roses.
Adam. — A lovely Rose; bright, fresh carmine pink; extra large size, very double and full; free bloomer; delicious Tea scent.
(1904)  Page(s) 21.  
New Hybrid Tea Roses.
Adine (Guillot). — A strong, vigorous grower and a free and continuous bloomer. Flowers large, well filled and of graceful form. Color orange yellow, passing into aurora rose, often yellow, white and carmine; very curious. 20 cts. each; two-year-old plants, 40 cts. each.
(1901)  Page(s) 19.  
‘Admiral Dewey’ No. 70. (Taylor). A sport from ‘Mme. Caroline Testout’ over which it is a great improvement in size of flower and color, which is a delicate shade of bright pink shading to pure white. Superb. 30 cts. Each; two year-old plants, 50 cts. Each.
(1910)  Page(s) 33.  
Admiral Schley  Elegant buds, which make splendid, large, full flowers; very sweet; color rich, velvety crimson. Very bright and handsome.
(1894)  Page(s) 35.  
General Collection — Ever-Blooming Roses.
Adrienne Christople. — Flowers large, very full and double; delightful Tea fragrance; color, a lovely shade of apricot, citron and fawn, tinged and shaded with soft, rosy pink.
(1894)  Page(s) 35.  
General Collection — Ever-Blooming Roses.
Agrippina. — Brilliant fiery red; good size and form; very double, full and sweet; an early and profuse bloomer; much esteemed.
(1875)  Page(s) 15.  
General Collection — Ever-Blooming Roses.
Alba Rosea. — Creamy white, with rose centre; shaded with blush; good size and double.
(1892)  Page(s) 16.  
Ever-blooming Tea Roses: Standard List for General Planting
Alba Rosea. — Beautiful creamy white, with rose-colored centre; petals shaded with blush; very double and fragrant; extra fine.
Hardy Everblooming Tea Roses.
Albert Stopford.  It is superb, like 'Bon Silene', a vigorous and free bloomer, producing beautiful flowers in great profusion. The color is a very dark crimson-rose.
(1903)  Page(s) 49.  
Varieties of Special Merit
Albert Stopford
This splendid acquisition promises to become very valuable.  It is an improved Bon Silene, and like it, is superb in every way; very vigorous and free-blooming, growing to perfection in the open ground, producing its beautiful flowers in great profusion.  The color is dark crimson rose, very attractive and pretty.
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