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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Modern Roses 7
(1969)  Page(s) 66.  
Colonial White. LCl. (Wyant, '59) New Dawn x Mme. Hardy. Bud ovoid. Fl. medium size (3 in.), dbl., flat, fragrant, white. Fol. light green. Vig.; abundant, recurrent floom. w.
(1969)  Page(s) 74.  
Country Fair F. (Swim; int. Armstrong Nurs. '60) 'Frolic' x 'Pink Bountiful'. Bud pointed-ovoid; fl. large (2 1/2in - 3 1/2in), single (8-10 petals), flat, slightly fragrant, medium to dark pink, fading much lighter; cluster. Fol. leathery, dark, semi-glossy. Vig., bushy; abundant bloom. Pl. Pat. 1897. mp.
(1969)  Page(s) 81.  
'Dawn Fragrance' LCl. (P. G. Mason, '69) 'Blossomtime' x 'Blossomtime' seedling. Well formed, cupped, very fragrant, salmon-flesh, flushed rose-pink; spray. Fol. dark, leathery. Vig., free, intermittent bloom.
Dorrit. F (Soenderhousen, '68) seedling X folie d'Espagne. Large, dbl. (30-40 petals) flat, orange-yellow; truss. Very free growth; very free bloom.
(1969)  Page(s) 108.  
‘Espéranza’ Pol. (Delforge, 1966). ‘Donald Prior’ × ‘Révérence’ Bud ovoid; fl. Large, dbl., bright red; cluster. Fol. Dark, bronzy, glossy, leathery. Upright; abundant bloom. The Hague Gold Medal ‘68. Medium red.
(1969)  Page(s) 139.  
'Gleaming'. F. (Le Grice, '58) 'Goldilocks' x 'Golden Scepter'. Large (4 in.), single (6-8 petals), very fragrant, deep lemon-yellow; truss. Fol. dark. Growth very free; very free bloom.
(1969)  Page(s) 143.  
'Golden Choice'. HT. (Bardill Nurs.; int. Le Grice, '67). 'My Choice' sport. Large (5 in.), full, very fragrant, lemon-yellow. Very free growth; very free bloom.
(1969)  Page(s) 145.  
Golden Knight Not registered with I.R.A.R.
(1969)  Page(s) 145.  
Golden Peace HT (Le Grice, '61) large, dbl. (45 petals), exhibition type, fragrant, canary-yellow.  Fol. dark, dull. Very vig., tall; very free bloom.
p151 ‘Granda Climbing. Cl. HT. (Swim & Weeks; int. Comley, ’64)

p455. Ivan F. Comley, Salisbury, South Australia.
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